Wednesday 7 August 2024

IWSG August 2024

Time for our monthly meeting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group! Hosted as ever by Alex J. Cavanaugh, the aim of the group is to offer a safe space where writers can share doubts and insecurities without fear of being judged. This month's co-hosts are Feather Stone, Kim Lajevardi, Diedre KnightC. Lee McKenzie and Sarah - The Faux Fountain Pen.

I'm going to skip this month's IWSG question because I feel like we had that discussion not too long ago. Just to say I have no intention of using AI for my writing, I haven't ruled it out for purposes of research etc., but yet to be convinced on that.

So I'll turn to my customary round-up on my activities for the past month. Since my last post, I did manage to type "the end" on my current WIP, which coincidentally deals with an AI program going haywire. (I don't totally hate all of it, I promise - just concerned about where it could end up.) At 72,908 words it's quite lengthy for me because I tend to write short. I'm sure that will be trimmed in edits, which will start very soon. 

I'm also nearly ready to jump back into the query trenches with my previously completed project. I retooled my opening scene and got some incredible feedback from my critique partners, so that is currently being fine tuned and I do feel it's much stronger than it was before.

I finally relaunched my newsletter! I was mugged by MailerLite's technical gremlins during their update at the start of the year. (Something to do with synching... coding... the exact details thankfully escape me.) Being resistant to change and busy with general life stuff meant it's taken until now to switch providers, but after seeing it recommended by a blogging buddy I'm now back up and running with HubSpot. It was fairly painless in the end. If you want to sign up to my list, you can do so here!

Finally, tomorrow marks the first anniversary of the release of my first traditionally published book! It's been a fun and exciting year, I'm grateful for everything that's happened and the brilliant response and I'm looking forward to what's next.

See you back here next month! As ever, you can check out other IWSG entries at the list here.


Liza said...

Happy IWSG Day, Nick. Sounds like you are moving forward with your writing. Hurray for your first book anniversary.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Congrats on finishing your manuscript. Good luck querying.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That word count is close to the length of my five books, which were also on the short side. Good luck with querying!

Leigh Caron said...

Wishing you all the best during your querying process. I'm in the process now and it's nerve racking.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Will you be querying the publisher who put out The Becalmer?

H. R. Sinclair said...

Happy Bookiversay! Newsletters are so tricky. I've had to move from one to another several times for various reasons.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Nick - it's the way of the world at the moment ... being hacked must have been a big pain ... I feel for you; sometimes over the years I've watched bloggers being hacked and getting through that process - so awful ... good luck with the Becalmer - cheers Hilary

J Lenni Dorner said...

Best wishes on the editing of the next book! There's so much to go wrong with AI, I'm sure you had lots from which to draw.

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

Congrats on typing "the end"! It's a great feeling, soon followed by that sinking realization that means you have to edit the danged thing.

Melissa said...

Best of luck with your next book! It feels good to type 'the end,' doesn't it?

Liz A. said...

Ah yes, having to change things over is not fun. Happy book anniversary.

Annalisa Crawford said...

Congrats on reaching 'the end', and on the book birthday! I'm always here to read anything you want to send me.

Victoria Marie Lees said...

Bravo for finishing your in-progress manuscript. And for figuring out how to get a new mailing list provider. I am SOO tech-challenged. And way to go on your traditional book anniversary. You've come a long way, Nick. You should be very proud. You deserve this. Bravo, again!