Wednesday 6 April 2022

IWSG April 2022

Time once again for our monthly meeting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group. Hosted, as ever, by Alex J. Cavanaugh, the aim of the group is to offer a place to share fears and insecurities about writing without being judged. Join us if you haven't already. Today's excellent co-hosts are Joylene Nowell ButlerJemima PettPatricia JosephineLouise - Fundy Blue and Kim Lajevardi.

Today's optional question is: Have any of your books been made into audio books? If so, what is the main challenge in producing an audiobook?

I haven't had any audiobooks made yet, but I'm intrigued to hear answers to this question. I announced a couple of weeks ago that I'd signed a contract with a publisher for my novel The Becalmer to be released August next year. As part of that contract, I'll get an audiobook produced if I sell 1000 copies. Hopefully I get there; I'm really excited about this prospect, and although I don't really have a history of using audiobooks, I'm very interested in hearing about anyone else's experiences of producing them.

Meanwhile, I'm continuing with a first draft for my next novel, which will be another standalone (so far, anyway). Progress had been erratic, but I've now visualized a possible ending and some other key plot points by putting thoughts down on paper (literally). It's funny how that can engender a different thought process; it feels refreshing and honest, somehow. I know some people write entire first drafts longhand, but that would be taking it too far for me. What's your relationship with hand writing? Does it help your process?

I'm also still going over notes from my excellent CPs on the last part of my trilogy, which I definitely want to release this year (looking at September), ahead of my trad pub debut. It's been a few years since the second part, so I'm gearing up for a busy couple of years and exploring all the marketing options that go alongside launches. My aim is not to have three-year gaps again; I want to release at least a book a year going forward, so that's the challenge I'm setting myself.

To read more IWSG entries, don't forget to check out the sign-up list here!