Friday 11 December 2015

White Light cover reveal

White Light
Anna Simpson
Three Worlds Press
Genre: Cozy
Release Date:
December 22/2015

About The Book:

Emma never dreamed of being a super-sleuth. In her mind, she’s more Scooby Doo than Nancy Drew and when her nosy neighbor, Mrs. Perkins, drags her to an anniversary party to solve a mystery, she rolls her eyes, buys a box of chocolates and hops in the car.

What’s a party without an attack on its host—or more accurately on the host’s grandson, sparking an allergic reaction and moving the party to the hospital waiting room. Suddenly, everyone is a suspect. Emma and Mrs. Perkins, along with Great Aunt Alice (a spirit with boundary issues who keeps stepping into Emma’s body like a new dress and playing matchmaker), dive into an investigation that almost gets Emma killed along with the man they are trying to protect. With so many reasons to kill him and so much to be gained if he died, Emma and Mrs. Perkins must unravel the tenuous ties that point to every member of his family as potential killers.

Even if it means going back to the psych ward, Emma will protect her friend and this innocent man. What good is freedom if it's haunted with guilt?

Author Links:

About the Author:

Anna Simpson lives near the Canadian-US border with her family. Even though she's lived in several places in British Columbia, her free spirit wasn't able to settle down until she moved back to her hometown.

She is easy to find though, if you know the magic word -- emaginette. Do an internet search using it and you'll see what I mean. :-)

Wednesday 2 December 2015

IWSG - December 2015

Well, here we are at the final IWSG posting of December 2015. This year seems to have gone by in a flash for me - more on that below. First of all, if you don't know what the Insecure Writer's Support Group is, it's a highly recommended monthly bloghop for all writers - where we can share our various fears and worries without fear of being judged. It's the brainchild of Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh, and the co-hosts for the December posting are Sandra HooverMark KoopmansDoreen McGettiganMegan Morgan and Melodie Campbell.

So yeah. December. With the end of the year upon us, it feels like a good time to reflect on where we are and how far we have come. I thought I would get more writing done this year. I just, yesterday, wrote an outline for the third book in my YA trilogy. I think I've finally found an angle that will make the threat in this book more of a threat, rather than being dispatched with easily. So that's good. I thought I would have the book written by now, but life doesn't always work like that. This year, many things have been going on that aren't about writing, and that's okay. We moved to a house that feels much more comfortable for us, and which has given us all a fresh start. Got another puppy at the beginning of the year who's slotted into the pack well with his endearing cheekiness. I started a full-time editing gig, and my wife is running two home businesses that I also help out with. My older stepdaughter started a new college course closer to home that is working out much better for her. So there's a lot on our plate, but it's all good stuff. Sometimes you need time away from a project for it to properly come together. I'm still happy with the short stories I wrote this year, but this month, and next year, are definitely going to be about writing this book. I'm thinking about keeping myself accountable here, with goal updates and wordcounts. We'll see.

In other news, I didn't participate in NaNoWriMo this year, but congratulations to any of you who did, whether you completed 50,000 words or not. It's always an exhilarating, worthwhile experience.

And finally, I'm feeling bittersweet because I just finished reading The Shepherd's Crown, the final book in the wonderful Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. What can I say? Funny, nostalgic, heartbreaking, warm, uplifting, inspiring, and more. The end of my favourite series by my favourite author, that I've been reading for over 25 years. I'm going to try to get a review together soon to post here.

How are you feeling about life and writing as we near the end of 2015?

Don't forget to check out the other great IWSG contributors here!