Wednesday 1 December 2021

IWSG December 2021

For the last time in what has been another very strange year, it's the first Wednesday of the month and time for our monthly meeting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group. Hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh, the aim of the group is to offer a safe space where writers of all kinds can share fears and insecurities without fear of being judged. Today's co-hosts are PJ ColandoDiane BurtonLouise - Fundy BlueNatalie Aguirre and Jacqui Murray.

The optional question this month is: In your writing, what stresses you the most? What delights you?

I'm going to interpret this question as relating just to the writing itself, rather than associated activities like marketing, querying, formatting etc., which can obviously be major stressors. I'm querying at the moment and I think we can all agree that's a big source of stress. Others may read the question differently, but I just don't feel like going there with those sort of aspects!

So what stresses me the most about writing? I think it's all the nitty gritty elements, like making sure the timeline adds up and that there aren't any major plot holes. Okay, maybe that's more than nitty gritty. But it's basically all the things that need straightened out and set in line before you arrive at a finished book. Or as close to finished as is possible.

What delights me? I'd say when it does work out and all those disparate elements come together to make something beautiful. So, in order to get to the delightful part, I have to get through the stressful part. Which must mean that all the stress is worth it - or that's what I'll tell myself anyway.

Something that is hopefully delightful and not too stress-inducing is the annual #IWSGPit Twitter pitch party, which is coming around the corner soon on January 26, 2022. It's a chance to get your manuscript seen and hopefully liked by agents and publishers via a tweet-length pitch. Find more details here.

And for further entries in this month's IWSG meeting, check out the sign-up list here.


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Nick - I'm sure querying must be 'a pain' - but a necessary one ... I hope it goes well. Also getting all the elements into place so the book and publication can proceed apace.

Delighted the Twitter Pitch is going so well ... all the best for 2022 - cheers Hilary

T. Powell Coltrin said...

The actual writing is the best part of writing for me. The other things are definitely stressful.


Liza said...

I am querying too...but taking a break until after the holidays. Yep, queries are stressful. I love the editing after I've got some semblance of a first draft down. I love when I read a sentence and think--Whoa! I wrote that?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Don't worry, everyone is answering the question differently.
It it frustrating to all of it to come together in the first place.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Yes, querying is definitely stressful. That's awesome you're doing it. I can't wait to have a finished manuscript to query and take advantage of our pitch contests in January. It'll have to wait for another year though.

Rachna Chhabria said...

I agree Nick, that querying is a stressing time. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas in advance.

cleemckenzie said...

All stress is worth it, Nick. It's fun in the end and very rewarding, so you have the right attitude.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Sometimes it takes a detailed timeline just to keep everything straight.

Melissa said...

I mentioned most of it, but I self publish, so marketing, etc., gets lumped in for me. I love being creative, but then my words get scrutinized by other people. LOL

Jennifer Hawes said...

Writing is stressful! But when it all comes together, it's so worth it.

Chemist Ken said...

That's one of those strange things about writing. It can be stressful all the way up to the end of the publishing process, and then it feels good. Fortunately, it's all worth it.

Fundy Blue said...

Good luck with your querying, Nick! I've found that struggling with writing stress vanishes when I see my words in print. Take care!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Yes! I love it when the story comes together in the end...after all that hair pulling ;)

Liz A. said...

Yeah, getting through the frustrations to the end is the best. But I actually like nailing down those small details. We're all different, aren't we.

Denise Covey said...

'In order to get to the delightful part, I have to get through the stressful part.' I like that, Nick. What's stressful varies from writer to writer.

Shannon Lawrence said...

Getting all those nitty gritty details ironed out is definitely a challenge. It's one thing to write the story. It's another to get the technicalities down.

Jennifer Lane said...

Oh yes, the dreaded TIMELINE! My editor had to prompt me to include and improve this for just about every manuscript. Good luck on the querying, Nick.

Diane Burton said...

To get my timeline straight, I use a digital calendar, like one in Word. Really helps keep things organized. Good luck on your querying.

Sandra Cox said...

Pulling everything together for a seamless project is definitely stressful. Marketing seems to be a common theme too, which I totally agree with;)

Lori said...

Here's to making it through to the delightful part!

H. R. Sinclair said...

Best of luck with the querying. Ah yes, it's so sweet that after working through those stressful bits, it all comes together!

Michelle Wallace said...

Best of luck with your querying, Nick!
We have to take the delightful with the stressful - it's part of the overall package - can't have one without the other, hey?
Merry Christmas and a Happy, Peaceful & Prosperous New Year to you and yours!

Patsy said...

Wishing you lots of good things for 2022!

J Lenni Dorner said...

Best of luck with the query letters! Hope you find the perfect agent.

Finding plot holes, ughh, those are evil. Timelines are easier with spreadsheets or several sites/ apps.

Hope you had a good IWSG day!
I'm enjoying #WRiTECLUB2021 over at DL Hammons blog. The entries are fun to read and vote on with feedback.
Plus, I'm currently reading Patricia Lynne's Being Human. (The IWSG Goodread's book club choice for December.)
And I'm scheduling debut author interviews at Operation Awesome.
I hope you have some fun plans for the rest of 2021. 🎆⛸🥁✉🥂⛄ May your days ahead be merry and filled with positive experiences.