Sorry about the lack of blog commenting, by the way. I'm still snooping on people's progress on Twitter and the NaNo site! Fundraising and campaigning for Andrew is very much ongoing, so most of my other time has gone towards that. Hopefully next week will be better. And my internet connection is being extremely unreliable. Which is probably just as well, really...
OK, how about a little extract? I've just had a look through my WIP for the first time, and I did quite like this dialogue between one of my two protagonists, Wellesbury, and his gravball teammates (a game based on football) after one of them recounts how a dirt-streaked boy materialised in the midst of their gleamingly clean city.
that settles it,” said Hedgeson, with the air of one solving a great mystery.
“He must be a demon.”
no such thing,” said Wellesbury.
do you know? We’ve all heard about
them. Demons live under the ground, in the place where it’s... not clean.”
just kids’ stories, Hedgeson. We’re not five any more!”
leaned into him. “So you think you know best, do you? Just because you reckon
you’re a hot shot at gravball? Fine, you
explain where this kid came from. Assuming Finnister didn’t make the whole
thing up.”
no way I could have made it up,” said Finnister, imploring Hedgeson to calm
down with his eyes. Hedgeson tended to be domineering, and he hadn’t meant to
cause a fight.
okay,” said Hedgeson, sitting back. “I can understand that alright. But let’s
hear Welles’s opinion on it.”
shifted, not willing to come out with what he was thinking. One of the boys
coughed without covering his hand. In this world, that was fine.
said Wellesbury, and looked up to study the ceiling, with its pitch markings mirroring
those on the floor. “Maybe he came from... somewhere else?”
you mean outside of Whitopolis?” said Hedgeson. “Anyone been out there?”
have, on holiday,” said Salvo. “It’s the same as here, just... smaller. You
know, small towns. And the people are the same. Everything, you know... white.”
that can’t be it.”
said Wellesbury, and Hedgeson snapped his head up sharply to look at him.
was no turning back now. “I mean... outside
of... outside of Pristinia.”
boys looked at him for a minute, slack-jawed. Then, on a cue from Hedgeson,
they all started laughing – some more nervously than others.
put his head in his hands. If only he’d just kept quiet and let Hedgeson have
it all his way. What had he been thinking?
See you next Thursday. How are you doing with your writing, editing, or anything else you're up to?
Nice excerpt! I love that you are doing so well and have kicked the procrastination habit! :D
Hope everything goes well at the college!
Hi Nick, the excerpt sounds good. Hope you manage to stick to your goals.
Hope the college assessment goes well.
Hi Nick - congratulations on your progress .. I love the excerpt and where it could take us ...
Good luck with Andrew and his college - he looks a bright cheerful lad .. deserving of some good fortune coming his way - great that you're helping.
Cheers Hilary
kudos to you for having the courage to do nano!It's certainly a big ask when life has other ideas... I thought about it but decided I would leave it for this year - I have a holiday planned for end of november - but I am aiming high for my daily word count too!
Great word count! Good luck with the rest of the month!
Thanks for sharing, glad to hear it's going so well. Good luck with the trip to college!
Wow, you are rocking NaNo! Keep it up. (:
NaNo will definitely get you in the groove of writing! Keep at it.
11,000 since Monday! Nick, that's so encouraging! Go, speed writer! :D
I hope everything goes well today as you are searching out venues, sending all kinds of beautiful thoughts your way.
Sooooo stoked for you, Nick. Keep pushing. You're going to rock it. And nice excerpt--definitely intriguing!
Glad you're having so much fun with NaNo! I liked the excerpt - the dialogue flows nicely.
Is that from your NaNo WIP, Nick! It is really good!!!
It's great to see that you're doing so well on you NaNoWriMo goals! :-)
I'm right on track with my revision goals and I hope to keep the momentum going.
Most bloggers know NaNo is happening so your presence via comments is missed, but your absence is certainly understood.
Enjoyed your boys in the excerpt. Appears to be a great set up for something to come.
Glad to hear you're making such progress! LOVE this excerpt! I'm still working on edits. It's slow-going!
Sounds like your NaNo experience has been great thus far!!
You're rocking the word count!! Congrats!
Nick, I wanted to pop over to answer your question here. You only missed the first week of False Start Fridays and I'll be hosting every Friday for a month so you are more than welcome to sign up for any and all of the remaining weeks. The material is older stuff that's been sitting for a bit. I hope to inspire writers to dig around and dust stuff off and, in the process, have the promise of other writers reading and commenting with encouragement.
Great excerpt. You've captured the feeling of peer pressure in that conversation!
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