Monday 27 June 2022

Street Team for The Becalmer - Help Needed!

As we head into another week, I have another exciting announcement to make. I'm looking for five to ten people to form a street team to help generate some buzz about my upcoming traditionally published debut, The Becalmer. You would need to:

  • Be excited to read The Becalmer
  • Be willing to help spread the word - you'll receive emails from me or my publisher with marketing materials for social media posts
  • Generally get out there and talk about the book, why you're excited about it etc.
My book isn't out until August 2023, but it's never too early to start making ripples in the pond! I'm also looking for ARC readers willing to post reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. I'll have a few perks for my street team members such as sneak peeks and other goodies. Here's a working blurb for the book. I made a mood board, too, which is a first for me - I'm pleased with how it turned out.

Gifted with the ability to defuse conflicts with her mind, Harica is headhunted to resolve a war via an arranged marriage, unaware that the reluctant would-be bride—the entitled Princess Jasmila—has similar powers. But the princess doesn’t use them for good, and she fights back, sending Harica into a coma through which she finds a mysterious liminal space populated by others who share her gift, both living and dead. She learns to do things she never thought possible, but when things get out of control, she almost swears off her gift forever—until events dictate that she must come to terms with the dark side of her gift and take ownership of it. 

If you're interested, let me know in the comments or shoot me an email at mcwilfo (at) gmail (dot) com. Have a great week!

Monday 20 June 2022

Reckoning Release Date Announcement

Hope everyone's doing well as we head into another week. I'm kicking mine off with some exciting news - I've completed the final part of my Black & White trilogy, entitled Reckoning, with a release date set for 19th September. This follows the first two parts, Black & White and Corruption. It's been a while coming, so it will be great to get the series wrapped up at last! As the title implies, this book sees judgment coming against those who have committed wrongdoing - but of course things don't go quite that smoothly.

It would be amazing if you could help me out once again by spreading the word via a blog tour. I've pencilled in dates from 19th September to 1st October, and I'll be sending out ARCs too. Don't worry if you haven't read the first two parts, it's quite easy to pick up on the action. There's a cover reveal for 15th July, so let me know on the Google form if you'd like to help out with that.

You can also add Reckoning on Goodreads. As always, any assistance you can offer is profoundly and deeply appreciated. I'm really looking forward to getting this conclusion to my story out in the world.

Wednesday 1 June 2022

IWSG June 2022

Another month and time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group! Hosted as ever by Alex J. Cavanaugh, the aim of the group is to offer a safe space where writers can share doubts and insecurities without fear of being judged. Today's co-hosts are SE WhiteCathrina ConstantineNatalie AguirreJoylene Nowell Butler and Jacqui Murray.

Let's have a look at this month's optional question: When the going gets tough writing the story, how do you keep yourself writing to the end? If have not started the writing yet, why do you think that is and what do you think could help you find your groove and start?

This is a great question for where I'm at. I estimate I'm about a third through a first draft or not far off that, and I'm at that crunch point where things could become severely difficult for my protagonist or I could give them an easier ride. Of course I always gravitate towards the former, otherwise there wouldn't be much grip to the story, but I know it's going to be gutwrenching and emotional. Being a plotter/pantser hybrid, I also probably need to make a pitstop around now to nail down some nuts and bolts to the story and how this world works. It would be better to have that all worked out in advance, but I actually need to spend some time in a location to get a feel for what's going on. It feels like I've got a lot of ideas swirling around, which I'll have to iron out and make sense of on the second draft - basically I'm throwing a lot of stuff at the wall and I need to see what sticks!

So to answer the question - or the first question - what keeps me going is the need to see my characters through whatever trials I'm putting them through and get some sort of conclusion. I don't want to leave them hanging once I've taken that initial step! Also, I told my publisher I'd have a draft to send by the end of the year. Outside accountability definitely helps.

I'm interested to read other answers to this question, especially from those trying to get started. Check out those answers here.