Another week, another update. How's everyone doing out there, as we race towards the home leg? Life has been extremely hectic at casa Wilford, and my progress reflects this. As of now, I have 28,523 words, so that's 7,970 added since last week. I'm not quite where I need to be, but I'm hanging in there by sheer bloodymindedness and I've found an iron will to finish. Anyone else get that. If you've done this before, do you feel like you're possessed by some kind of demonic force in the final week?

For those who may not know, my stepson Andrew has been in hospital for an operation to straighten his legs (this involved cutting tendons among other things). This should work to improve his posture when he sits in his wheelchair. Everything went really well, and he got home on Monday, but obviously he requires a lot of intensive care, around the clock. We've got our mattress down from our room to sleep on the floor next to him, and his bedroom is now the centre of the house! Fortunately, he allows me an hour in the morning to write while he and Mum have a doze, and I can still do my early morning, 4am session. That's already been done today, and I'm hoping to add 1500 later to bring me up to a round 30k. If I do that tomorrow, and each day next week (hitting 3k each day), and do 1000 on both Saturday and Sunday, I'll hit the 50k bang on. But, obviously, I'm hoping to exceed it! At the minute, I'm feeling very positive about being able to finish this.
And I'm now writing this story specifically for Andrew. I can't help feeling guilty about being away from him, even if he's sleeping at the time. He's a connoisseur of YA, and I'm counting on his reaction as a beta reader. I'm lucky to have a ready-made audience to provide feedback!
I'm fairly pleased with how the story's coming along, and for the most part it's flowing at a great pace. There's only been a couple of occasions where I've really struggled, which is far different from my previous novelling experiences. I just hope it's not
too easy! It feels like there should be one more big plot twist, which is eluding my grasp. The answer? Keep writing. For everyone who's commented on these updates to that effect, I'm incredibly grateful - it's meant a massive amount to me!
I've learnt that I enjoy writing fantasy, whereas before, somehow, I never felt like I'd be capable of it. I'm letting my imagination run riot, removed from "real world" constraints. This is something I would definitely do more of, so I'm glad I gave it a go!
I hope all my friends across the pond have a happy and peaceful Thanksgiving, and I wish you a productive week, whatever you're up to!
Nick I am so rooting for you and Andrew. NaNo is a challenge in and of itself and you're charging through and dealing with Andrew's post surgery needs, you're an inspiration. I really hope the surgery helps Andrew and allows him greater comfort. And I'm glad you've found excitement in writing fantasy! Have a wonderful and productive weekend too! (:
Sending much love to all of you as Andrew recovers from his surgery!
NaNo is really bloody hard work, but stick with it - I think a lot of people get crazy about finishing when the end gets closer, so you're probably not alone!
Hi Nick - well you are all pulling together for Andrew .. while he obviously is there for you too. I sure hope his recovery is an easy one and this operation helps him enormously.
All I can say is well done for keeping NaNo going .. but as you say - you have a very good reason .. and how lovely to have support in the family ...
Cheers and thinking of you - Hilary
I'm glad the surgery went well, best wishes for Andrew and your family.
Great job on NaNo. Sometimes writing is just the thing when life is rough. As for that big plot twist that's just out of reach? Take a shower. Or go for a ride. Or a walk. Do some housework, whatever. I've found those blocks often fall away when I'm doing something else.
Glad the surgery went well for Andrew. Sounds like he is your driving force in life.
Keep plugging away at NaNo. Still have over a week.
We're celebrating Thanksgiving here in the USA, so lots of food and American football for me today.
How wonderful Andrew is a beta reader for you. I hope his surgery is a success.
Keep writing! Let yourself have a little time. It benefits everyone in the end.
I'm sure you'll do Andrew proud. Glad he is recovering well from the surgery. Good luck with the rest of the NaNo challenge.
You're almost there, Nick. One more week and it will be over.
And you have a special beta reader waiting to read your stuff... how awesome is that?
Sometimes 'sheer bloodymindedness' is exactly what you need to get through. Good luck with finishing your story. I'm sure Andrew will love it!
You are so committed! Good for you! And I'm sending lots of prayers and good thoughts Andrew's way for a speedy recovery!
Glad to hear Andrew is doing well. Continuing to cheer you on in your NaNo journey!
So glad the op went well for your sstepson. Sounds like a pretty major thing for him. And your word count sounds so impressive!! I'm sure you'll make it!
I love that you are writing your story for Andrew, and I am inspired by the way that you care for him!
The last two years I did feel possessed by the need to write and write and write during NaNoWriMo, especially the last week.
This year has been different . . .very different. I am way, way behind in my word count. Life has been interesting, and I tried to do two projects at once - writing one, and revising another.
But I am glad that your writing is going well. Keep it up!!!
I love that you are writing your story for Andrew, and I am inspired by the way that you care for him!
The last two years I did feel possessed by the need to write and write and write during NaNoWriMo, especially the last week.
This year has been different . . .very different. I am way, way behind in my word count. Life has been interesting, and I tried to do two projects at once - writing one, and revising another.
But I am glad that your writing is going well. Keep it up!!!
sorry about the double comments - not sure how I did that.
I hope Andrew feels better soon. He's lucky to have such wonderful parents who take such good care of him. :-)
I'm rooting for you to hit your 50,000 words. If anyone can do it, it's you. :-)
'I've learnt that I enjoy writing fantasy, whereas before, somehow, I never felt like I'd be capable of it. I'm letting my imagination run riot, removed from "real world" constraints. This is something I would definitely do more of, so I'm glad I gave it a go!'
Nick, I'm so happy to read this. It's excellent when we can start to let our wings unfurl a bit. Sounds like you've been catching some good wind beneath yours throughout NaNo. My prayers and my very best thoughts are with Andrew.
And, you are officially signed up for the upcoming week's False Start Friday! Look for a link to your blog amidst the other participants this coming Wednesday.
Enjoy what's left of your weekend!
hang in there with Andrew. you guys must be very busy! thank you for your example of kindness .
good luck to Andrew and all of you too!
Good to hear your updates. Hang in there!
Glad to hear your son is doing well!
Good luck with the home stretch of Nano!
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and glad to hear Andrew is doing well. Keep writing! You can do it!
It's almost the end of Nov and I hope that you've succeeded in your own NaNo goals -- you're a winner in my book if you've written anything at all, especially with your hectic schedule. :-)
Gosh, Nick, you are amazing. I am in awe of how you are managing to handle all that you have on your plate.
I'm pleased to read that Andrew's surgery worked. I keep you all in my thoughts and chats with the Universe.
Having a built in critic for your writing is a plus...and I'm happy to read you are enjoying your writing, particularly letting your imagination "run riot" while having fun trying your hand at fantasy.
Keep up the writing and I know you will get to your goal of 50k.
Good luck, Jenny
Give Andrew my best. I'm glad to hear that the surgery went well, and I always love to hear of a close family willing to move mattresses and make adjustments to be there for one another. That's awesome. :) And I'm glad to hear you're getting so much writing done. Wonderful that you can do that while they're still sleeping. Keep it up! And I hope Andrew heals up fast :)
I hope Andrew's recovery from the surgery goes well. I'm glad you're getting time to write in there, and you shouldn't feel guilty. Just think how excited he will be when he gets to read it!
Shannon at The Warrior Muse
Nick, I'm sending Andrew all my best wishes! How wonderful to be writing for someone... there is no inspiration or motivation like it! Congrats on all of your NaNo progress so far. Hopefully you'll share some more information about the story with us when it's complete! Good luck to you!
I hope your stepson is doing okay. Good luck with the writing, and as I'd responded to your comment earlier, you will always have that great start for your story, regardless of your NaNo outcome. I think that is the purpose of NaNo anyway, just to help writers get that start.
I hope you're doing well with your NaNo!! Sounds like you're right on track!
So glad to hear Andrew's surgery went well - sounds like it was quite a major op, but definitely well worth the eventual results! I wouldn't feel guilty about taking the writing time, as he is going to benefit from it too when he gets to read your story :)
Glad to hear your stepson is doing well. I'm sure he wants you and his mum to be happy as well, and he knows that your writing makes you happy.
Fantasy is so much fun, isn't it? I had read it all my life but didn't really picture myself writing it. And then I was. Haha.
Hopefully NaNo ended well. No matter how many words you end with it's been a huge success ;)
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