I'm kind of coming to the middle part of the story where I'm hitting the really sticky bit. The conflicts and problems are there, now I need to work through them. I've thrown my main protagonist and his newfound female friend into a seemingly impossible dilemma, with pretty much no idea how they're going to get out of it! Luckily, she's smarter than he is, and has connections in the right places...

the door opened and sharp footfalls echoed on the hard floor. Wellesbury opened
his eyes; he had been trying his best to think of absolutely nothing.
evening,” said the examiner, sitting behind the desk. He was a lean, sinewy man
of about sixty, with blue eyes that seemed to be boring into Wellesbury’s soul.
“It is unfortunate indeed that we have to detain you in this way, but perhaps
it shall not be for too long.”
didn’t answer. He tried to meet the man’s gaze, but somehow it was like looking
directly into headlights on a dark winter night. He was feeling groggy and
spaced out from the protracted period of sitting on his own. Don’t let him brainwash you.
man punched a few buttons on the computer terminal. “My name is Examiner Tharl,
and I work here at the Assessment Centre. Please, do not be afraid of me. I,
along with the entire Government, am working in your best interests. This
session will just be about exploring what has happened and finding the best
ways to minimise any damage.
you are aware that you’ve been brought here because of your exposure to a demon
from the Under-Region.”
remained silent, making no move whatsoever.
Of course, I'll have to change the name of the Under-Region, because it makes me snigger too much...
And I will tag the following five:
Basically I'm being really nosy about your NaNo stuff. ;)
How are you all doing with your projects, NaNo or not?
Keep at it - you just might surprise yourself. And you won't be bogged down with Thanksgiving next week, which will wipe some people out for days.
Liked the excerpt!
I didn't think there was anything funny about Under Region until you mentioned it LMAO!
I think you are still doing brilliantly with NaNo, considering everything else you have going on!
Thanks for the tag. I won't do the meme again, but I'll email you another excerpt later :p
I agree with Kyra, I didn't find Under Region strange until you mentioned it then it registered. Must be a bit slow tonight.
I like the concept Nick, I am sure you will pull it all together! Thanks for responding to the tag so quickly!
Great excerpt, nicely written. And you're making very good progress on your NaNo. Keep at it!
I agree with the others about not catching the "Under Region" joke but now that you said it... :)
I think Tharl is a great name for a bad guy - hopefully, he is one!
Enjoyed the excerpt, Nick! You've made some great progress toward your NaNo goals for sure. Sounds as though you're determined to make it, and I think that'll carry you through. :-)
Best of luck on the downhill slide, and hope your little one feels better soon.
Great job on your progress! Reading about your word count and your progress makes me realize I need to get back to my "real" writing and get off the web. aah - the distractions.
Under Regions . . .LOL
Under Region...hahaha. You're doing great, Nick. Keep it up! And this sounds like a fun meme, I'm in! Thanks for the tag. "Look" is one of my overused words, so I shouldn't have a hard time finding something to share. :)
Hey, words are words! You're pretty close to today's goal, in the grand scheme of things.
Hmm. I wonder what you could use as a substitute for Under-Region -- which does inspire at least a little smirk. :)
I'd be interested to see what you come up with.
Sounds like you're doing well with Nano. Hope your little one feels better!
Sounds like you are doing well so far Nick, keep going. Hope your 'little person' is feeling better too.
Good job on the 5.5k day though! That's awesome. Here's hoping you can get some more time in the evening. :)
You're doing really good with NaNo! This is my ninth year doing it. I feel like I'm doing a lot of filler this week rather than story, though.
Keep going! I liked the excerpt - it peaked my interest! Though Under-region totally makes me snicker too!
Sounds like you're making great progress.
" I've thrown my main protagonist and his newfound female friend into a seemingly impossible dilemma, with pretty much no idea how they're going to get out of it!" <-- I do that too and it drives me insane.
Hi, thanks for your comment the other day and you're now my 230th follower. What a great B'day present.
I'm now following you also.
Glad NaNo is going well for you :)
Keep writing!
I liked the excerpt a lot Nick, its got me intrigued big time. Keep writing, glad your NaNo is going well.
I have the utmost respect for anyone who joined NaNo at all- Keep up the good work!
Hope your little one is feeling better soon!
The sticky bit you described is normal. I'm feeling that too. I'm hanging in there with NaNo even though I'm a little behind. Maybe I'll get to catch up on the word count this week.
thanks for popping in last night...always enjoy meeting new readers...and tina is a long time friend....nice on your progress with Nano, it can be a beast but doesnt sound like you are letting it consume you....pretty cool to throw your charaters into those impossible situations and watch them fight their way out....can be a nice surprise at how they do if you dont force it...
You sound like you're doing great with the nanowrimo thing, considering you have family stuff too! Always difficult balancing the writing with family, I think. What about nether region?? Oh yeh! that makes me snigger too!!
What a really intriging excerpt! "Don’t let him brainwash you." Ekkkk! Loved that! I really want to read on... And I so laughed at your Under-Region comment. I agree, it may be in your best interest to change that unless you're writing a comedy. :D And good job with NaNo!!
Thanks for coming by my blog and following. It was nice to meet you over at A to Z!
No NaNo for me - keep thinking I'll do it one of these years. Maybe 2013 will be the one. :)
Have a great week,
Good luck with NaNo. I hope your little one is getting better too.
I like your "eye" pic and excerpt for U Got the Look
Sounds like you're doing great for NaNo! Keep it up.
Thanks for the encouraging words, everyone! I appreciate it sooo much. :)
GREAT job on your NaNo progress, Nick! Sounds like the WIP is practically writing itself :) Liked this excerpt, by the way, although I agree that I'd probably change the Under-Region *snicker* I like the name Tharl, though!
Wow, Nick! I'm amazed at how much you accomplish.
As always, I thoroughly enjoy your excerpts.
Hope all is going well with Andrew, and I hope your little one is feeling better now.
Thanks for the tag! And awesome excerpt! Very intriguing.
Good luck!
Nicely done! Can't wait to read the rest. :)
Sounds like your progress is good. I wasn't able to do NaNo this year due to too many other commitments.
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