Wednesday 4 April 2018

IWSG April 2018

It's time once again for the group posting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh! If you don't know, this is the monthly blogging space where we can vent our insecurities and doubts in a mutually supportive environment. Today's co-hosts are Olga GodimChemist KenRenee Scattergood and Tamara Narayan.

This month I'm insecure about the fact I'm still having technical issues, so I won't be able to get round to as many posters as usual - but after missing last month, I really wanted to post. My laptop is still in the shop and I hoped to pick it up yesterday but another pesky issue has raised its head. A handy windfall with which to invest in a new machine would be highly appreciated right now! I will get back to all commenters - it might just take a bit longer.

So let's have a look at the question for this month, which is "When your writing life is a bit cloudy or filled with rain, what do you do to dig down and keep writing?"

Well my writing life is certainly cloudy at the moment and filled with rain, sleet, snow, frost - it's been quite a bitter Easter over here in Scotland! But when that type of weather is raging outside, it can inspire my writing in quite a romantic way - hunker down with a cup of tea, turn the heating up and escape to a different world. But if you're talking in a metaphorical sense, that's a bit different I suppose. If your writing life is cloudy, it can be difficult to see from A to B and your characters might end up wandering off the track and into the long grass - where leeches might well be lurking...

So that's the time to remind myself that I'm the only one who can shine a light to help them on their way. Their fate is in my hands and reminding myself of that responsibility can be quite a powerful motivator. I don't know about you, but I grow quite attached to my characters and don't like to leave them floundering at a loose end, although I might put them through some quite punishing situations at times.

How would you answer this question? Don't forget to check out other IWSG posts here.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You're the only one who can shine a light - well said.
Sorry about your computer issues. We did wonder what happened last month. Mabye the weather will blow some cash your way.

JeffO said...

My daughter's 1.5-year-old laptop just needed a new hard drive, so I feel your pain. So much of our lives has become tied up in these devices, a technical issue can be a disaster. Hang in there through the stormy weather, Nick, spring's coming!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

We're about to have an extra computer - I wish I could send you one.

The Cynical Sailor said...

My husband is working in Scotland just now and he says the weather had been horrible :-(

Sorry about your computer. Been there and done that unfortunately.

Cheers - Ellen

Natalie Aguirre said...

I like hunkering down in the winter too. Sorry about your computer problems. That would be driving me nuts, maybe enough to run out and buy a new computer.

Christine Rains said...

Hopefully you get your computer problems solved and the weather brightens up. It's been a messy spring so far here too.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Nick - I'm living on a borrowed computer out here ... and adjusting accordingly ... good luck - just wanted to pop in and say hope things ease up and enjoy your writing spells ... take care = cheers Hilary

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Computer issues clouds my world for sure, so I understand that. It's been bitter cold here. Can't believe that Easter was blustery cold. In one day, there was snow, hale, warmth then freezing.

Sadira Stone said...

Lurking leeches! Well, I certainly don't want that fate to befall my beloved characters. Back to work, then.
Wishing you good weather, literal and figurative, in April.

Mark said...

Hope the weather improves:) Both literally and on the writing front:)

Anonymous said...

Weather here in Michigan isn't very spring-like either.

BTW, what's the best time to visit Scotland?

Crystal Collier said...

You know, if my laptop was having trauma, I would totally just grab a cheap tablet with keyboard and store everyone on the cloud. I'm wishing your tech trauma goes far, far away.

Liz A. said...

I hope you get your computer issues sorted soon. It so sucks when the technology isn't working.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for your computer problems - sadly, they have become our lifeline. I'm like you in that cold, raging weather inspires me to a cup of tea and much creativity. And I'm so excited to be making my first trip to Scotland in October!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Tech issues are the worst. I'm with you on the weather thing. Trapped inside is good writing time.

H. R. Sinclair said...

I love writing when it's rainy and stormy outside!

Chemist Ken said...

Being snug inside your writing space while the weather is raging outside can be great way to write. Of course, you have the ambiance of Scotland to keep your muse happy too, so I'm jealous.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

My computer is being a brat too. It freezes up and loads slowly. What a bother. I think curling up with a warm drink (it's still freezing here too!) and escaping through words is a great idea.

Prayers for sunshine and windfalls for us all!

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

I think all the tech had come together during December and decided that in 2018 they will play tricks on writers. I hope you get your laptop fixed. My PC was irreparable.

J Lenni Dorner said...

sorry to hear about your tech troubles. Hope that gets cleared up soon for you.

When writing life is really under the weather for me, I'll take a break with a nice book. Usually one "fun" one and one "craft of writing" one. I'm usually inspired by then.

Meradeth Houston said...

I really like the way you phrased this! As for me, getting out of the house to my favorite coffee shop with time to just focus on writing (preferably without internet distractions) helps get things running again most of the time :)