Wednesday 6 September 2023

IWSG September 2023

Time for our monthly meeting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group! Hosted as ever by Alex J. Cavanaugh, the aim of the group is to offer a safe space where writers can share doubts and insecurities without fear of being judged. This month's co-hosts are Sonia DograJ Lenni DornerPat GarciaSarah - The Faux Fountain Pen and Meka James.

Let's have a look at this month's optional IWSG question, which is a good one:

The IWSG celebrates 12 years today! When did you discover the IWSG, how do you connect, and how has it helped you?

This is an excellent question and is sure to spark off a lot of memories for a lot of people. I realise that I'm pretty lucky to have been around from quite near the beginning. Having my launched my blog in October 2011 - so that would be one month after the IWSG - I first heard of the group during the A-Z Challenge in April 2012, the event that really helped me immerse into the blogging world because it introduced me to so many others, many of whom I'm still friends with today. One of those who stopped by my posts was a certain Alex J. Cavanaugh, who recommended the IWSG as a good venue to keep these connections going. I think my first post must have been June or July 2012, and I haven't looked back since!

Although obviously members have come and gone, the group itself has provided an invaluable source of support, and I hope that continues for many years to come. Among the vagaries of social media, with many different platforms popping up here and there, the IWSG represents something solid and dependable. And there isn't another sphere that permits the space to go into depth about what ails us as writers. Not to mention it also offers the chance for publication (the excellent anthologies) and representation (#IWSGPit).

I've also witnessed firsthand how the group will rally round to support a cause. I received a tremendous response to my call for stories for Overcoming Adversity, the anthology I put together to help raise funds for my stepson Andrew's college fund in early 2013. When we tragically lost Andrew later that year, the outpouring of love was overwhelming, with many members sending me videos of them releasing red balloons in Andrew's honour.

All in all, I'm very glad the Ninja Captain had the idea to start this group a dozen years ago. It's developed into a fantastic resource for all writers and I hope it continues for a long time to come.

For other entries this month, check out the IWSG site here.


Melissa said...

Great post. You are right about IWSG rallying around a cause. Awesome group.

A Hundred Quills said...

Hi Nick! I feel so warm and snug reading your memories of the IWSG. Thanks for sharing.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

We're really glad you are a part of it! I will do my best to keep it going for years to come.

Natalie Aguirre said...

That's awesome you joined the group right after starting your blog. I joined sometime before 2014. Like you, I've found this group very supportive, especially after I lost my husband.

Jemi Fraser said...

Alex and the IWSG group are amazing.

Computer Tutor said...

Great reminder I'd forgotten--the anthologies and agent pitches.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

That's very touching, Nick.

Patricia JL said...

I'm another who ended up on IWSG after the A to Z challenge. I'm so happy it happened.

Sarah Foster said...

The IWSG is such a supportive community of writers.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Wonderful post! I am thankful you asked us to help with Overcoming Adversity. It is an honor to help when friends are in need.

Cathrina Constantine said...

Good post. I like that this group supporting one another. I love IWSG!

Loni Townsend said...

This is an amazing group. I love to see how many people were positively impacted by it.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I feel like you've been around through the entire time. You are such a great part of this group.

cleemckenzie said...

I remember your fundraising and the loss of Andrew. Hard time for you, Nick. I think that was the first time we really connected. Glad we did.

Jean Davis said...

It truly is an awesome group. I think I first saw IWSG posts on your blog during the A-Z challenges years ago. So thanks for sewing that seed. :)

Victoria Marie Lees said...

Solid and dependable. Yep! That's IWSG. And I agree, Nick. The group itself has provided an invaluable source of support for all of us. All best to you, sir!

Sandra Cox said...

IWSG does all kinds of good, doesn't it, Nick?
Have a great one.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

I remember all of that! That is what makes this such a special group. It's the special, wonderful people. Here's to many more years to come!

Jennifer Lane said...

Wow, what a touching story regarding the group rallying support following the tragic death of your stepson.

This was well-said: "Among the vagaries of social media, with many different platforms popping up here and there, the IWSG represents something solid and dependable."

Happy writing, Nick.

Liz A. said...

You've been at this a long time. Some bittersweet memories.

H. R. Sinclair said...

I've still amazed it's been 12 years! Thank you for sharing.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Nick - it is an amazing group isn't it ... and I was so happy to help with the call for raising funds for your stepson, Andrew's, college fund via the publication of Overcoming Adversity. Also you're always around helping out with various projects - and I note Alex has said he hopes to keep it going for much longer - excellent. Take care and I'll be over for your new book soon - cheers Hilary

Leigh Caron said...

Touching post, Nick. We members have overcome many adversities. Our caring for other members is why I love being a part of IWSG.

Liza said...

You are right about how important IWSG is. The supportive membership has helped me time and time again. I think I "met" you right after your Andrew passed. I still think of him when I read your posts. Wishing you the best in your writing world and beyond, Nick.

Denise Covey said...

Hi Nick. I was honored to have a story published in Overcoming Adversary. Was a high point. Yes, the IWSG has been a constant for so long.

Toi Thomas said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's so cool that you've been around since the start. It's amazing how supportive this group can be and has been for you.