Wednesday 3 February 2021

IWSG February 2021

It's time once again for our monthly posting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group. Hosted as ever by Alex J. Cavanaugh, the aim of the group is to offer a safe space where writers can share fears and insecurities without being judged. This month's excellent co-hosts are Louise - Fundy BlueJennifer LaneMary AalgaardPatsy Collins at Womagwriter and Nancy Gideon.

In terms of insecurities, I'm feeling quite good apart from those that have to do with homeschooling, vaccinations, variants... you know, what seem to have become the "usual" worries for most of us. I'm undertaking the second draft of a YA standalone novel that I hope to start submitting to small publishers this year, and I'm also still working on the last part of my dystopian trilogy that should be self-published this year also. I've got plenty to keep me busy, so I'm lucky in that sense. Turning to this month's IWSG question...

Blogging is often more than just sharing stories. It’s often the start of special friendships and relationships. Have you made any friends through the blogosphere?

Incredibly, later this year will see me reach 10 years of blogging, and I'm thankful to say that during that time I've met people I would consider friends for life, who I could count on for support and uplift with writing worries and anything else too. There would be too many to name here, but the Ninja Cap'n goes without saying, and I'll also give a shoutout to Kyra Lennon and Annalisa Crawford - great friends, amazingly talented writers, and awesome CPs!

Speaking of CPs, I'm currently looking for two or three more sets of fresh eyes for my standalone novel, and where better to ask than among one of the most dedicated sets of writers and readers on the web? This YA story is set on a distant planet colonised by humanity after Earth has become uninhabitable. Harica is a typical teenager who lives a quiet life on one of its orbiting moons, except she has an extraordinary gift - the power to defuse others' conflicts by entering their minds. Her use of this gift remains limited to resolving petty squabbles among her classmates, until she is headhunted by government forces to take on a much bigger assignment down on the planet - one involving an entitled princess, power politics and the lives and wellbeing of millions of people. Does she have what it takes to meet this challenge, and what will it teach her about her gift and, more importantly, herself?

With this book, I'm particularly looking to see if I've captured an authentic voice for my young female protagonist. It's uncharted territory for me. It goes without saying that I would reciprocate by offering a critique of anything you have in the works. I'd be looking to send you my book once I've finished my second draft, which should be by the end of this month but hopefully will be sooner. If we click, it would also be great if you could take a look at the conclusion of my trilogy later in the year - it's not necessary to have read the first two parts.

Thanks for considering, friends! Don't forget to check out many more IWSG entries here.


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Nick - you've been through much and are still travelling with your writing career - I can only wish you well as the future rolls forward. We're lucky we can relate to other bloggers in one way or the other ... we share and engage and help each other. Stay safe - and all the best - Hilary

Annalisa Crawford said...

Hey Nick, thanks for the shout out! I think I've been blogging for about the same length of time, so it must have been quite early days when we started following each other. I think it was Kyra who introduced us.

Liza said...

Nick, I'm so impressed with all the hard work you keep putting into your writing. Hope the vaccine gets to you soon!

Natalie Aguirre said...

That's awesome how much progress you are making with your manuscript. I'm worried about the virus too and hope that I can get vaccinated soon when they open it up to the general public.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Hi Nick, I too met my CP in blogosphere :) writing progress is always wonderful. Glad you are making a good progress!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Nick!
Science fiction is my thing but capturing a young female voice is not.

Patsy said...

Ten years? I think I've been blogging longer than that. Don't want to check though in case it's a lot longer and I feel old!

Chrys Fey said...

I think I'm getting close to 10 years, too (or on my 10th). It has been a real pleasure blogging all these years and getting to know so many bloggers.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Congrats on 10 years. It goes by quickly, doesn't it?

Liz A. said...

So cool you're almost finished with your stand-alone. It's been a while since I wrote anything, so I'm a bit envious.

H. R. Sinclair said...

Ten years is impressive. I've been around that long too. It still amazes me.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Wow, you are keeping yourself busy this year. How wonderful. The YA standalone sounds great.

Denise Covey said...

Hi Nick. I hope you get your critique partners! I wouldn't be much use as it's way out of my genre. Hope your year is going great so far!

Fundy Blue said...

Definitely the Ninja Cap't is something else, Nick! I have a lot of commitments right now, so I can't offer to be a CP. I hope that you find someone. Your story sounds intriguing.

Steph W. said...

I am curious, do most writers who are also CPs write fulltime as their jobs? If not, how do you find the time? Your story sounds fascinating to me, but I am afraid I would not have the time to dedicate to helping. Maybe someday!

Shannon Lawrence said...

Good luck finding some CPs to help! Everyone saying how long they've been blogging is making me want to go check when I first started the current one. I feel like it was 2012 or 2013.

J Lenni Dorner said...

Congratulations on getting your next book this far! I'd volunteer, but my March/April/May is hectic (A to Z) and I wouldn't want you to land on a backburner.

Jemi Fraser said...

Hope you find someone - while your story sounds great, that's not my genre so I don't think I'd be a good choice. Good luck finding the right fit!

Damyanti Biswas said...

Congrats on getting the book this far! You seem to have a busy year ahead of you. All the best! Stay safe.

Tyrean Martinson said...

I would be happy to trade critiques! Your novel sounds really fun and interesting.

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

I enjoy SF and I'm female, though the "teen" part is awfully far in the past. If you are still in need of a critique, though, I'm happy to take a look.

Liesbet said...

Hi Nick! Busy is good, right? :-) I’ve always wondered how writers keep up with their writing when having children. I’m sure it isn’t easy, especially during a pandemic. But, you seem to be on top of it, making great progress. Keep it up! I hope you find the right critique partners for your latest upcoming novel. Congratulations on your almost 10th blogging anniversary!

Kalpana said...

Congratulations on ten years of blogging. Looking forward to your novel. Sadly I can't offer to read it because I'm juggling too many things myself. But it looks like Tyrean has volunteered.

Deniz Bevan said...

Oh, that sounds like a fun book! I wish had time to offer to read it!

Lynn La Vita said...

Wow, I guess some of us have been blogging for over decade! Where does the time go?

I'm sorry, my plate is full and not my genre. I wish you the very best of luck. Your new book sounds very interesting.

Charity Rau said...

Your WIP sounds interesting! Good luck with your work.

Diane Burton said...

Because of your comment, I realize I'm almost years blogging, too. I so enjoy the people I meet on blogs, like IWSG, and others. Supportive, encouraging writers make a real difference. Good luck on your projects.