I'm a bit late on updating my goals for this month, after being slightly set back by having our internet cut off. As part of the non-stop construction of new housing in my town, a digger rather overzealously sliced through an underground phone cable servicing over 100 properties. But happily we're all back up and running for now. So time for a quick recap on my July goals to see how I did.
- Add 20,000 words to WIP.
Managed 15,000; hit a bit of a snag that I'm still trying to work through. This month, I'm not setting a wordcount goal but simply aiming to finish the draft by the end of the month. With good luck and a following wind, I'm confident it's doable.
- Continue working through CP notes for book 2 and come up with ideas to address significant plot points.
I've made an overview and have a lot to think about. This is going to be my focus once I finish the draft of book 3.
- Continue promotion campaign for launch of book 1.
This is going pretty well. I had my cover reveal on 31st July and was heartened by the response, especially as this was my first self-designed cover. Thanks to all who commented and tweeted. I also finally took the plunge and launched a Facebook author page, where I'll be sharing snippets and short pieces of news. If you're on Facebook, please like and follow here. I'm also experimenting with Twitter by posting quotes and nuggets of info. I have several ideas outlined for my blog tour and will continue to work on posts this month. My blog also got a new look. For this month, my big thing is to get my newsletter launched. Stay tuned for that!
Another goal for this month is to beta read a friend's new book. I've made a start and I'm already intrigued.
And finally, I was delighted to receive an excellent review for Black & White from the lovely Darla M. Sands. Check it out here!
And finally, I was delighted to receive an excellent review for Black & White from the lovely Darla M. Sands. Check it out here!
How are you doing with your goals?
Good luck with all your enterprises, you are doing so well and I know what it takes to do this.
Hold on, hold on, when did you redesign the blog page? Did you just do this, or is it something you did months ago that I'm just noticing for now? Either way, looks great!
Some people just shouldn't be in charge of digging.
Glad you got such a good response on your cover!
Hi Nick - diggers ... honestly - well thank goodness you're up and running. I must get myself organised now some other major hassles have gone ... but well done on getting yourself set up - cheers Hilary
Good for you! I'm so impressed that you designed the book cover. And I'm glad my review made your day. I decided to keep it short and sweet. I wish you all the best on your efforts. Thank you for sharing your gift.
As for the Internet outage, I feel for you. At the same time, sometimes I go out where I can't get connected so I focus on story. ~grin~ Happy Writing!
I like the idea of monthly goals, rather than "beginning of the year" goals that seem so large and all-encompassing that they're difficult to quantify.
Sounds like you're progressing nicely with multiple books at once.
I'll have to check out your Facebook author page!
Good luck with finishing your draft, you seem to have it under control!
I hate being without internet - I often want to check odd things while I'm writing, and it would throw me out of the zone if I had to wait.
No internet?! Nightmare. Glad they got it sorted.
Looks like you're doing well with your goals. I have to look at mine and refresh myself to see how I'm doing. LOL
I usually seem to do better with meeting goals when I don't go for a specific word count. Best of luck on finish the draft this month! And good luck with FB and Twitter. I've kind of stepped away from FB but am working on trying to be more active on Twitter.
Yay for launching a FB author page - I've like it :-) Working on my review for your book (which I loved) to time with your blog tour.
If I can be honest, I completely flopped my goals...but in favor of new ones. So, I guess ok? In theory? I guess we'll see how it turns out, haha.
It seems we are both considering our goals this month. You've got a good start on that WIP and that's impressive since you've just launched a book!
You did a great job on your cover, Nick! And your storyline is quite intriguing. Wishing you mega sales.
Congrats on the book cover and the new blog look! Good luck with your goals.
you are doing so well and I know what it takes to do this.
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