Friday, 21 August 2015

Hot Pink in the City is out now!

Today I'm pleased to help out with the launch for Medeia Sharif's latest release, a YA novel which sounds like loads of fun. Congrats, Medeia!

HOT PINK IN THE CITY, Prizm Books/Torquere Press

Release Date: August 19, 2015


Purchase from PrizmAmazon (vendor links will be updated on the author's site)

Asma Bashir wants two things: a summer fling and her favorite '80s songs. During a trip to New York City to stay with relatives, she messes up in her pursuit of both. She loses track of the hunk she met on her airplane ride, and she does the most terrible thing she could possibly do to her strict uncle... ruin his most prized possession, a rare cassette tape.

A wild goose chase around Manhattan and Brooklyn to find a replacement tape yields many adventures -- blackmail, theft, a chance to be a TV star, and so much more. Amid all this turmoil, Asma just might be able to find her crush in the busiest, most exciting city in the world.

Find Medeia – YA and MG Author

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Enter the HPITC book blast giveaway!


Heather R. Holden said...

Ooh, what a fun and exciting premise. Congrats to Medeia!

JeffO said...

Congrats and best of luck to Medeia!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Big congratulations to Medeia!

Christine Rains said...

Congratulations to Medeia! :)

Unknown said...

so happy for her! :)

betty said...

I said this on another blog; but I do like her cover design! Sounds cute of a story too! Wishing the book much success!


Anonymous said...

Congrats Medeia! That does sound like a fun story.

Liz A. said...

I'm seeing this everywhere, so good job on getting it out there.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing. :)

Michelle Wallace said...

Hot title and a hot cover to match it!
Medeia's book is all over Blogland!

Deniz Bevan said...

What a fun idea for a story! Congratulations Medeia!

Tyrean Martinson said...

I love that blurb and the cover! Congrats, Medeia!!!
And way to go with helping, Nick!

alexia said...

This sounds like a super fun book! I've been seeing it around. Congrats, Medeia!

Stephanie Faris said...

Yay to Medeia. She's everywhere!

Cathrina Constantine said...

Love Medeia's cover!!! Wishing her much success!!!

cleemckenzie said...

The cover's hot!

M Pax said...

Congrats to Medeia on another wonderful book!

Chrys Fey said...

Yay for Medeia! This one looks like a ton of fun!

Tara Tyler said...

yay Medeia - Pink is it! congrats =)

TBM said...

I'm excited to read this one!

Sherry Ellis said...

So happy to see another one of Medeia's books making its way around the blogosphere. Love the cover!

Sherry Ellis said...

So happy to see another one of Medeia's books making its way around the blogosphere. Love the cover!

Mark said...

Very cool:) Blackmail and theft make for a good mystery.

diedre Knight said...

Yay, Medeia! Best wishes for major success:-)