Friday, 11 December 2015

White Light cover reveal

White Light
Anna Simpson
Three Worlds Press
Genre: Cozy
Release Date:
December 22/2015

About The Book:

Emma never dreamed of being a super-sleuth. In her mind, she’s more Scooby Doo than Nancy Drew and when her nosy neighbor, Mrs. Perkins, drags her to an anniversary party to solve a mystery, she rolls her eyes, buys a box of chocolates and hops in the car.

What’s a party without an attack on its host—or more accurately on the host’s grandson, sparking an allergic reaction and moving the party to the hospital waiting room. Suddenly, everyone is a suspect. Emma and Mrs. Perkins, along with Great Aunt Alice (a spirit with boundary issues who keeps stepping into Emma’s body like a new dress and playing matchmaker), dive into an investigation that almost gets Emma killed along with the man they are trying to protect. With so many reasons to kill him and so much to be gained if he died, Emma and Mrs. Perkins must unravel the tenuous ties that point to every member of his family as potential killers.

Even if it means going back to the psych ward, Emma will protect her friend and this innocent man. What good is freedom if it's haunted with guilt?

Author Links:

About the Author:

Anna Simpson lives near the Canadian-US border with her family. Even though she's lived in several places in British Columbia, her free spirit wasn't able to settle down until she moved back to her hometown.

She is easy to find though, if you know the magic word -- emaginette. Do an internet search using it and you'll see what I mean. :-)

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

IWSG - December 2015

Well, here we are at the final IWSG posting of December 2015. This year seems to have gone by in a flash for me - more on that below. First of all, if you don't know what the Insecure Writer's Support Group is, it's a highly recommended monthly bloghop for all writers - where we can share our various fears and worries without fear of being judged. It's the brainchild of Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh, and the co-hosts for the December posting are Sandra HooverMark KoopmansDoreen McGettiganMegan Morgan and Melodie Campbell.

So yeah. December. With the end of the year upon us, it feels like a good time to reflect on where we are and how far we have come. I thought I would get more writing done this year. I just, yesterday, wrote an outline for the third book in my YA trilogy. I think I've finally found an angle that will make the threat in this book more of a threat, rather than being dispatched with easily. So that's good. I thought I would have the book written by now, but life doesn't always work like that. This year, many things have been going on that aren't about writing, and that's okay. We moved to a house that feels much more comfortable for us, and which has given us all a fresh start. Got another puppy at the beginning of the year who's slotted into the pack well with his endearing cheekiness. I started a full-time editing gig, and my wife is running two home businesses that I also help out with. My older stepdaughter started a new college course closer to home that is working out much better for her. So there's a lot on our plate, but it's all good stuff. Sometimes you need time away from a project for it to properly come together. I'm still happy with the short stories I wrote this year, but this month, and next year, are definitely going to be about writing this book. I'm thinking about keeping myself accountable here, with goal updates and wordcounts. We'll see.

In other news, I didn't participate in NaNoWriMo this year, but congratulations to any of you who did, whether you completed 50,000 words or not. It's always an exhilarating, worthwhile experience.

And finally, I'm feeling bittersweet because I just finished reading The Shepherd's Crown, the final book in the wonderful Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. What can I say? Funny, nostalgic, heartbreaking, warm, uplifting, inspiring, and more. The end of my favourite series by my favourite author, that I've been reading for over 25 years. I'm going to try to get a review together soon to post here.

How are you feeling about life and writing as we near the end of 2015?

Don't forget to check out the other great IWSG contributors here!

Friday, 27 November 2015

A Broken Race blog tour

Happy Friday! I hope those of you who live in the States had a calm and relaxing Thanksgiving, and that Black Friday isn't too hectic for you (it's over here as well now, thanks for that!) Some of you will be in the last throes of NaNoWriMo with the finish line hopefully well within sight. As a bit of inspiration, I'm helping to launch Jean Davis' novel A Broken Race, which was born during NaNo. Here's Jean to tell us more.

Here we are in November, in the midst of another NaNoWriMo. It's hard to believe that six years ago I was in the middle of writing A Broken Race. That year, my fourth year participating, I'd set out to write a whole story from beginning to end in thirty days. I managed to do that and then, content with completing my goal, saved the file to my hard drive one last time and went on to the next project.

It wasn't until I was considering writing a prequel to A Broken Race for my 2012 NaNo Novel, that I read the story again and realized I really liked it. The prequel effort was easily the worst thing I've written since I started writing seriously, and it will never see the light of day, but it did put me on the path to sharing One-fifty-two's story with the world so it was well worth the effort. I hope you will agree.

The fortress is home to the last of civilized humanity. The few remaining women live in a vault far below the gardens,  the men who protect, manage, and labor, and the walls that protect them all. A virus generations past and inbreeding since, has left average men severely outnumbered by Simples. Humanity, as it once was, is broken. 

Outside those walls live the Wildmen, starving, poor, and desperate for the treasures of the fortress. Seeking women to once again fill their ranks with healthy children, and something other than rats to fill their stomachs, the Wildmen launch one last raid. One of their number makes it inside alive.

One-fifty-two is a Simple man. The raid fills his calm and orderly world with smoke and fear, the need for the comfort of his mother, and the promises of a Wildman captive. With his eyes open to the secrets behind the order his always known, One-fifty-two must find the courage to stop being a cog and take hold of the wheel, or the fortress may be the end of them all.

A Broken Race is available in ebook and paperback

Jean Davis lives in West Michigan and this is her tenth year participating in NaNoWriMo. She has reached 50K eight of those years and settled for 25K last year due to building her new house. Don't try to build a house and write a novel at the same time.

When not writing speculative fiction, she can be found playing in her garden, enjoying a glass of wine, or lost a good book. A Broken Race is her first novel. Her short fiction has appeared in Theian JournalBards and Sages Quarterly, Acidic Fiction, Tales of The Talisman, The First Line, Allegory, Isotropic Fiction, Liquid Imagination, and more. Upcoming short fiction publications include Caffeinated Press' Brewed Awakenings II, The3288 Review.

Follow her writing adventures at

Friday, 20 November 2015

The Undead Road cover reveal

Title: The Undead Road: My Zombie Summer: Part 1
Publisher: CreateSpace / Dashboard Books
Ebook Release: January 1st, 2016
Paperback: January 26th, 2016
Cover by Steven Novak


Nothing brings the family together like a zombie apocalypse …

Fifteen-year-old Jeremy Barnes would rather watch a zombie movie than shoot a real one, but he has no choice if his family wants to survive the end of the world. Their plan? Drive across the infected United States to a cabin in the Colorado Rockies without a scratch, but their trip takes a complicated detour in the middle of Nebraska when they find Kaylynn, a girl who can handle a baseball bat better than Jeremy can hold a .45 Berretta. And when they stumble into a sanctuary, Jeremy soon learns that Kaylynn is stronger than she looks—a deadly secret lies inside her.

After the radio picks up a distress call from Kansas City about a possible cure, Jeremy’s parents go with a team to investigate. They never return. The only way to find their parents is for Jeremy and his sister Jewel to rely on a dangerous girl who might just turn on them at any moment.

Contest Details:

A while ago, David invited the blogosphere to let him turn one unfortunate lucky contestant into a zombie for The Undead Road. The winner was Ilima Todd, who is now the awesome author of Remake. The next installment of My Zombie Summer is underway, and David wants to do this contest again. Want to be in a zombie book? Not only is this your chance, but it is your choice!

Between now and next Wednesday, send an email to dpowersking [at] gmail [dot] com, with the subject line: Zombify Me! Contest. In your email, David wants you to tell him three things:

1: The name you will be identified as (example: your first name).
2: A description of yourself—the more detailed you are, the better.
3: How would you like the survivors to put you out of your misery?

Four casualties contestants will be chosen on Wednesday, November 25th. The most inventive or interesting entry will be zombified! The other three who are unlucky fortunate enough to survive will be given special honors. Winners will be announced on December 2nd on David’s blog.

Prizes? The winner will be zombified in the pages of My Zombie Summer: Part Two, receive a signed proof of the novel (when it’s ready), and a $20 Barnes and Noble gift card. The runner ups will receive a free ebook of The Undead Road for their Kindle (other platforms TBA).

Thank you for participating, and good luck!

About the Author:

David Powers King was born in beautiful downtown Burbank, California where his love for film inspired him to be a writer. He is the co-author of the YA fantasy novel WOVEN, published by Scholastic. An avid fan of science fiction and fantasy, David also has a soft spot for zombies and the paranormal. He currently lives deep in the mountain West with his wife and three children.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Realms Faire: My character needs your help!

Calling all friends and fans, I need your help. My character Reuben has met a worthy opponent at the Realms Faire and is in a duel that just might threaten his life. I need you to finish the story for me by visiting the realm of Lady Cassandraone quick comment on who you think will win the duel could win you ebooks and more.

Verily, I trust all revellers are still enjoying the fun of the Faire. There's still plenty of grog to go around, and many amusing diversions to be found in the grounds of our host Lady Mary's castle, with prizes galore. Huzzah!

Monday, 9 November 2015

Realms Faire 2015 - The Duels Begin!

Huzzah! It is time once again for one of the most breathtaking spectacles in the blogging calendar - yes, we're talking about Realms Faire. I am honoured to participate as Sir Nick the Noble in today's duel with a worthy adversary, and there's lots of other fun and games all week too.

You can cheer for me in the duel by using my magic words at the Castle of Lady Mary. Go here to check it out! If it so moves you, you can also cheer for me on the rest of the days. There's a host of prizes to be won daily, today including my collection A Change of Mind.

My magic words are:

Nick the Noble
Mind game

Using these words in comments on the Joust Page, up to three times per day, will earn me points in the tournament and place you in the drawing to win goodies including ebooks and giftcards. Winners will be announced each day at 10pm Eastern Time. So, I hope you'll join me in raising a flagon of grog to this year's Faire!

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

IWSG November 2015

It's the first Wednesday of the month and of course that means it's time once again for the Insecure Writer's Support Group, hosted by Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh with his erstwhile co-hosts for the month Stephen TrempKaren WalkerDenise Covey and Tyrean Martinson. It's a safe haven where writers of all stripes can their insecurities without fear of ridicule.

Well, seeing as this is the place to do so, I could say I'm insecure about a few things right now. But I'm also feeling good about some things, so I'm somewhere in the middle. I'm insecure about the fact I haven't posted in a few weeks, due to tech problems with my laptop yet again, so I'm feeling slightly disconnected from the blogging world. I've been working lots of hours on my editing job but I'm feeling good about the fact I've got into a regular routine with this, and posting for the IWSG today will hopefully get me back into blogging regularly too.

I'm insecure about the fact I haven't done a significant amount of writing since the last NaNo ended, almost a year ago, and the final part of my trilogy has yet to get off the ground (my major goal for this year was to write and finish it). Actually, I still need to re-read the end of Part 2 and my novella prequel because due to my failure to back up (again - I'm never going to learn!) they only exist on my stepdaughter's laptop which I currently can't access, but I'm hoping to fix that by the end of the week. Despite this, I'm feeling good about the fact I had my first short story placement in four years earlier this year, I got my collection out in the world to positive reviews, and I got a story submitted to the IWSG anthology (did you?) as well as to another contest which I'll hear about next year. And there's still nearly two months to work on that series ending, and a new year starting in January.

So, it's ups and downs, swings and roundabouts - that's the writing life, isn't it? And it's about letting the good outweigh the bad.

Don't forget to visit the other participants in the IWSG - click here!

Monday, 21 September 2015

Guest Post at TBM's

Good morning! Hope Monday finds you well. Today, I'm a guest over at TB Markinson's blog where I'm talking about what I like about novellas. Hope you can check it out.

Don't forget, you can still enter TB's giveaway until the end of the month to win five fantastic ebooks including my collection, A Change of Mind and Other Stories.

TBMs giveaway 2
All of the books are fab and the authors are amazing. Seriously you don't want to miss out. Here's the link to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway. And here are the books.

September Giveaway Covers


avalonSome cats need nine lives to make a difference. Avalon only needed one.

From Amazon bestselling author Vanessa Morgan, Avalon is the heartwarming and once-in-a-lifetime love story of a girl and her neurotic Turkish Van cat.

With humor, the author details how Avalon made other creatures cringe in distress whenever he was around, how he threw her dates out by means of special techniques, and how he rendered it almost impossible for her to leave the house. Avalon was so incorrigible that even her landlord ordered her to get rid of him. But beneath Avalon’s demonic boisterousness, Vanessa recognized her own flaws and insecurities, and she understood that abandoning Avalon would be the worst she could do to him. Thanks to her unswerving loyalty, Avalon transformed into a tender feline, and even landed a major role in a horror movie. In turn, Avalon made it his mission to be there for his human companion.

By turns jubilant and deeply moving, Avalon is a memoir for anyone who has ever been obsessively in love with a pet.


e3142-nc3A Change of Mind and Other Stories consists of a novella, four short stories and one flash fiction piece. This collection puts the extremes of human behaviour under the microscope with the help of lashings of dark humour, and includes four pieces previously published in Writer’s Muse magazine.

In A Change of Mind, Reuben is an office worker so meek and mild he puts up with daily bullying from his boorish male colleagues as if it’s just a normal part of his day. But when a stranger points him in the direction of a surgeon offering a revolutionary new procedure, he can’t pass up the chance to turn his life around.

But this isn’t your average surgeon. For a start, he operates alone in a small room above a mechanic’s. And he promises to alter his patients’ personality so they can be anything they want to be…

In Marissa, a man who is determined to find evidence of his girlfriend’s infidelity ends up wondering if he should have left well alone.

The Dog God finds a chink in the armour of a man with a megalomaniacal desire to take over the world.

In The Insomniac, a man who leads an obsessively regimented lifestyle on one hour’s sleep a night finds a disruption to his routine doesn’t work for him.

Hole In One sees a dedicated golfer achieving a lifelong ambition.

The Loner ends the collection on a note of hope as two family members try to rebuild their lives after they are torn apart by jealousy.


people of foxwickWar threatens Foxwick on all sides.

The dreaded Shadowlands gains more souls. From the shrouded trees in Greymist Forest to the arid Blackden Barrens, monsters roam in search of their next victim. Sirens lure ships beneath Merrilea Sea. In cold and snowy Wintermill, royals plot to claim Foxwick as their own, even if they must use dragons and sorcery. Marriage between Foxwick’s king and Lochhollow’s princess creates a perilous alliance. Although brave Valdale will come to Foxwick’s aid, the cost may be more than a true friend can stomach.

Set over a hundred years, these seventeen fantasy short stories explore the people, creatures, and lands in and around the Kingdom of Foxwick.


Dangled Carat Hilary GrossmanFor every girl who wondered if she should love him or dump him…..For every girl who listened to her heart instead of her friends advice….

For every girl who l wondered if she was wasting her time dating that guy….

meet Hilary….

She had gotten used to dating the commitment-phobic Marc, thirteen years her senior. They had a great relationship–why rush into things? She saw no need to pressure him for marriage, believing that when the time was right, he would propose. But after they had been together for four years, their friends decided to take matters into their own hands, pushing Marc to propose and making Hilary realize how much she really did want to marry the man that she loved. Unfortunately, Marc still wasn’t ready–and their friends’ meddling in the form of a faux engagement party led to a disastrous New Year’s Eve that brought their relationship to an inevitable turning point.

For anyone who has ever dated a commitment-phobe, who has found their patience wearing thin with the one they love, or who has sat around wondering if he is ever going to pop the question while trying to remain the very picture of patience and grace, Hilary’s humorous and honest story will hit home.


confessions-of-a-paris-party-girl-coverWhen newly-single party girl Vicki moved to Paris, she was hoping to indulge in wine, stuff her face with croissants, and fall in love. It proved to be much more difficile than she'd imagined. In this laugh-out-loud memoir, this cheeky storyteller recounts the highs and lows of her life in the City of Light. Sassy and shamefully honest, Vicki makes you feel as if you're right there in Paris stumbling along the cobblestones with her.

Don't forget to enter the giveaway! Thanks so much to all the authors for their generosity.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Cover Reveals for Salem's Daughters and Yorien's Hand

Today I bring you not one, but two cover reveals! Feast your eyes on these beauties. First, it's the latest from blogging friend and space enthusiast Stephen Tremp.

Stephen Tremp writes speculative fiction and his fourth novel, Salem’s Daughters, is supernatural thriller. A four hundred year old evil is unleashed when souls of the daughters of those killed during the Salem Witch Trials find a new generation of people to murder at a popular modern-day bed and breakfast.

For a full synopsis and to pre-order a copy of Salem’s Daughters for $2.99 (price goes up to $4.99 soon after release) Click Here.

Stephen Tremp
Author: Breakthrough Series

Next up, a strirring fantasy adventure from Jenelle L. Schmidt.

The years of Oraeyn’s short rule have been peaceful, but now ominous nightmares plague his sleep and cling to him during his waking hours. When two of his most trusted advisors disappear without a trace and not even the power of dragons can locate them, the fell promise of the king’s nightmares becomes reality.

From the furthest reaches of the world, an ancient enemy stirs. Stretching beyond his crumbling prison walls, this foe seeks to bring life to the darkest of shadows. His army marches towards Aom-igh with deadly intent, threatening all Oraeyn holds dear.

Aided by dragons, and with the warrior Brant and Princess Kamarie at his side, Oraeyn must journey into the wilds of a forgotten realm. Trusting in the wisdom and skill of the enigmatic minstrel, Kiernan Kane, the companions race against time in search of Yorien’s Hand, a relic that may hold the power to save them all.

Author Bio
Jenelle Schmidt grew up in the northern-midwest. She now resides with her husband and their three adorable children in North Carolina where the summers are too hot and there is never enough snow. Jenelle fell in love with reading at a young age during family storytimes. To this day she enjoys creating exciting adventure tales filled with poignant themes and compelling characters in the fantasy and sci-fi genres. Find her at her website.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Two Reviews

Happy Friday! Today, I have suggestions for two fantastic reads for your weekend. First up is Blue Karma by J.K. Ullrich, an author who I ran across on Goodreads. I thought her book sounded fascinating, as it dealt with issues I have been interested in from a very young age, thanks to a brother who campaigned for Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth.


Water. It covers almost three-quarters of the planet, comprises more than half the human body, and has become the most coveted resource on Earth. 

Amaya de los Santos survived the typhoon that left her an orphan. Now she scrapes by as an ice poacher, illegally harvesting fresh water for an always-thirsty market. But when she rescues an injured enemy soldier, she's pulled into a storm of events more dangerous than any iceberg. After years of relying only on herself, she must learn to trust another...or risk losing all that's left of her family. 

Logan Arundson should be dead. After a mysterious attack destroys his military unit, he abandons his Arctic post for his native California, where droughts have made water a religion and a resource worth killing for. But when the water wars follow him home, he must face his frozen demons if he wants to save his town...and the girl he loves. 

Paul Hayes is heir to an empire. But being vice president of a powerful hydrology company isn't all gardens and swimming pools: he deals with ice poachers, water rights, and the crushing expectations of his CEO mother. His investigation into company sabotage and the miraculous appearance of a lake in a small California town lead him to a shocking discovery...and an impossible decision. 

Blue Karma is a story of choices and consequences, humanity and love.

My review:

I was hooked by JK Ullrich's "cli-fi" novel, which takes an all too plausible premise and carves out a gripping story. It's a simple but terrifying concept - water is something we all need (and take for granted), but it is a finite resource. What happens when it starts running out? Actually, we don't all take it for granted as a large proportion of the world don't have access to fresh water, and in Blue Karma this has extended to North America.

What I loved about this book is that while it had a lot of things to think about, it doesn't take a heavy-handed or preachy tone. It's a story, first and foremost, not a treatise. Ullrich gave us a great cast of characters to root for and, in other cases, despise. Logan, in particular, got much more likeable as the book went on - from at first appearing to be nothing more than an irresponsible kid, he grows into someone who is willing to put his life on the line for those he cares about. Paul's trajectory was, in a way, parallel to his, although he starts from an opposite position - the pampered, privileged heir to the most powerful water company in the world, he comes to see what life is like for those who have nothing. Amaya was likeable - a tough and quick-witted girl who is terrified of letting her guard down, but the greatest growth belonged to Sayuri. With a heartbreaking backstory, she seems at times in danger of being completely overwhelmed by events, but comes out the other end.

There were many fascinating ideas in this book, and the role that religion played was particularly intriguing, with idealistic dreamers being pitted against cynical company tycoons. I hope there will be a sequel, but if not, I look forward to other books from Ullrich.


Next, a fantastic and original addition to the YA fantasy genre from two hot new authors to watch.


Two unlikely allies must journey across a kingdom in the hopes of thwarting death itself.

All his life, Nels has wanted to be a knight of the kingdom of Avërand. Tall and strong, and with a knack for helping those in need, the people of his sleepy little village have even taken to calling him the Knight of Cobblestown.

But that was before Nels died, murdered outside his home by a mysterious figure.

Now the young hero has awoken as a ghost, invisible to all around him save one person—his only hope for understanding what happened to him—the kingdom’s heir, Princess Tyra. At first the spoiled royal wants nothing to do with Nels, but as the mystery of his death unravels, the two find themselves linked by a secret, and an enemy who could be hiding behind any face.

Nels and Tyra have no choice but to abscond from the castle, charting a hidden world of tangled magic and forlorn phantoms. They must seek out an ancient needle with the power to mend what has been torn, and they have to move fast. Because soon Nels will disappear forever.

My review:

Woven is an engaging, fun, and action-packed entry into the YA fantasy genre. Jensen and King have come up with an excellent premise, that we are all "woven" into the great tapestry of life - so what happens when a thread comes loose? Layers of backstory are threaded expertly throughout, and we come to see there is much more to the hero, Nels, than first meets the eye. There's a great dose of humour in this book, too. Nels becomes a ghost after being murdered by the villain of the piece, and the only one who can see him is Princess Tyra, the spoilt, entitled heir to the throne. While she isn't exactly a sympathetic character initially, I couldn't help feeling a bit sorry for her, as Nels torments her until she listens and agrees to help him get his life back.

What follows is a journey which takes many thrilling turns, as well as being a journey of growth for both characters. Nels finds he can do a lot more as a ghost than what he first thought, and Tyra sees beyond her self-interest to come to a point where she is willing to do what she can to save her unlikely friend, as well as the kingdom. There are larger forces at play than what we first thought, and the villain, Rasmus, is highly entertaining as well as being devious.

As a side note, while I wasn't familiar with either author's style beforehand, it doesn't feel like a co-authored book at all, unlike some others I have read where there was a noticeable jarring of styles. The story-telling was seamless (pardon the pun). I hope we will hear more from this team in the future!


Do these sound good? What are you reading? Any recommendations to share?

Monday, 7 September 2015

IWSG Anthology Competition and T.B. Markinson's Amazing Giveaway

The start of another week, and I bring you two exciting pieces of news. First up, a very exciting contest to mark the fourth anniversary of the Insecure Writers' Support Group, which has been such a boon to so many of us over the years.

You have until November 1st to craft a 5-6000 word story on the theme of Alternate History/Parallel Universes. The ten best entries will be selected by a panel of judges including top authors, editors and agents to appear in the anthology, and will receive a share of royalties. The top story will also give the anthology its title. Pretty cool, right? I've got my thinking cap on already! Go here for more details.

Also, this month, I'm honoured to be a part of T.B. Markinson's monthly giveaway, with my collection, A Change of Mind and Other Stories. Five great books are up for grabs throughout the month. Here are all the details.

TBMs giveaway 2

Welcome to the kickoff for September's giveaway. All of the books are fab and the authors are amazing. Seriously you don't want to miss out. Here's the link to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway. And here are the books.

September Giveaway Covers


avalonSome cats need nine lives to make a difference. Avalon only needed one.

From Amazon bestselling author Vanessa Morgan, Avalon is the heartwarming and once-in-a-lifetime love story of a girl and her neurotic Turkish Van cat.

With humor, the author details how Avalon made other creatures cringe in distress whenever he was around, how he threw her dates out by means of special techniques, and how he rendered it almost impossible for her to leave the house. Avalon was so incorrigible that even her landlord ordered her to get rid of him. But beneath Avalon’s demonic boisterousness, Vanessa recognized her own flaws and insecurities, and she understood that abandoning Avalon would be the worst she could do to him. Thanks to her unswerving loyalty, Avalon transformed into a tender feline, and even landed a major role in a horror movie. In turn, Avalon made it his mission to be there for his human companion.

By turns jubilant and deeply moving, Avalon is a memoir for anyone who has ever been obsessively in love with a pet.


e3142-nc3A Change of Mind and Other Stories consists of a novella, four short stories and one flash fiction piece. This collection puts the extremes of human behaviour under the microscope with the help of lashings of dark humour, and includes four pieces previously published in Writer’s Muse magazine.

In A Change of Mind, Reuben is an office worker so meek and mild he puts up with daily bullying from his boorish male colleagues as if it’s just a normal part of his day. But when a stranger points him in the direction of a surgeon offering a revolutionary new procedure, he can’t pass up the chance to turn his life around.

But this isn’t your average surgeon. For a start, he operates alone in a small room above a mechanic’s. And he promises to alter his patients’ personality so they can be anything they want to be…

In Marissa, a man who is determined to find evidence of his girlfriend’s infidelity ends up wondering if he should have left well alone.

The Dog God finds a chink in the armour of a man with a megalomaniacal desire to take over the world.

In The Insomniac, a man who leads an obsessively regimented lifestyle on one hour’s sleep a night finds a disruption to his routine doesn’t work for him.

Hole In One sees a dedicated golfer achieving a lifelong ambition.

The Loner ends the collection on a note of hope as two family members try to rebuild their lives after they are torn apart by jealousy.


people of foxwickWar threatens Foxwick on all sides.

The dreaded Shadowlands gains more souls. From the shrouded trees in Greymist Forest to the arid Blackden Barrens, monsters roam in search of their next victim. Sirens lure ships beneath Merrilea Sea. In cold and snowy Wintermill, royals plot to claim Foxwick as their own, even if they must use dragons and sorcery. Marriage between Foxwick’s king and Lochhollow’s princess creates a perilous alliance. Although brave Valdale will come to Foxwick’s aid, the cost may be more than a true friend can stomach.

Set over a hundred years, these seventeen fantasy short stories explore the people, creatures, and lands in and around the Kingdom of Foxwick.


Dangled Carat Hilary GrossmanFor every girl who wondered if she should love him or dump him…..For every girl who listened to her heart instead of her friends advice….

For every girl who l wondered if she was wasting her time dating that guy….

meet Hilary….

She had gotten used to dating the commitment-phobic Marc, thirteen years her senior. They had a great relationship–why rush into things? She saw no need to pressure him for marriage, believing that when the time was right, he would propose. But after they had been together for four years, their friends decided to take matters into their own hands, pushing Marc to propose and making Hilary realize how much she really did want to marry the man that she loved. Unfortunately, Marc still wasn’t ready–and their friends’ meddling in the form of a faux engagement party led to a disastrous New Year’s Eve that brought their relationship to an inevitable turning point.

For anyone who has ever dated a commitment-phobe, who has found their patience wearing thin with the one they love, or who has sat around wondering if he is ever going to pop the question while trying to remain the very picture of patience and grace, Hilary’s humorous and honest story will hit home.


confessions-of-a-paris-party-girl-coverWhen newly-single party girl Vicki moved to Paris, she was hoping to indulge in wine, stuff her face with croissants, and fall in love. It proved to be much more difficile than she'd imagined. In this laugh-out-loud memoir, this cheeky storyteller recounts the highs and lows of her life in the City of Light. Sassy and shamefully honest, Vicki makes you feel as if you're right there in Paris stumbling along the cobblestones with her.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

IWSG - Deadlines

It's the first Wednesday of September and time for another installment of the Insecure Writer's Support Group, hosted by Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh. (He's got an epic announcement today, so be sure to check it out!) The aim of the group is to provide a safe haven where writers can share their doubts and insecurities without fear of appearing foolish or weak, and anyone is welcome to join.

Today my topic is deadlines. In the last week, I have started a new job doing some editing for a company where tight deadlines are the order of the day - even with incentives offered for picking up jobs that are past their deadline. It helps you to manage the flow of work effectively, which I can see the benefit of. As writers, should we be sticking to deadlines as an integral part of our work? Do they help or hinder creativity?

Maybe you have a publishing contract and are on a timescale for completing edits and revisions. These kinds of external deadlines can really help sharpen the mind. Should indie publishers set their own deadlines? I think so. To be successful, we have to think of ourselves as a mini publishing house - some of us even have our own imprints we publish under - and if we want to release work on a regular basis, having a plan in place goes some way towards that. We need to have a cover by this date, and have tour posts prepared by another date. We'll feel like we're getting things done.

The flipside of the coin is when deadlines make us panic, especially when they're looming large. Some people really thrive under this pressure, but others will crumble. After all, it's hard to put a time limit on creativity. The book will take as long as it takes, and that will be different for every project. But at some point, you have to say enough is enough. A deadline can act as a sort of mental marker - after you hit it, you really should be onto something else. But the best part of a self-imposed deadline is that it's moveable. You can extend it if you really feel like something needs more time than you thought. Even though deadlines are a good thing, no one wants to put out work which is rushed and unfinished.

My biggest goal this year was to write Part 3 of my trilogy. Even though I've had other achievements which I'm proud of, I haven't quite got round to this one yet, and now it's September with a deadline of the end of the year. I'll aim for it, but I'll try not to beat myself up if I don't hit it. Producing your best work has to come first.

Are you a fan of deadlines? Hate them? How do they work for you?

Don't forget to check out the other IWSG participants here.

Friday, 21 August 2015

Hot Pink in the City is out now!

Today I'm pleased to help out with the launch for Medeia Sharif's latest release, a YA novel which sounds like loads of fun. Congrats, Medeia!

HOT PINK IN THE CITY, Prizm Books/Torquere Press

Release Date: August 19, 2015


Purchase from PrizmAmazon (vendor links will be updated on the author's site)

Asma Bashir wants two things: a summer fling and her favorite '80s songs. During a trip to New York City to stay with relatives, she messes up in her pursuit of both. She loses track of the hunk she met on her airplane ride, and she does the most terrible thing she could possibly do to her strict uncle... ruin his most prized possession, a rare cassette tape.

A wild goose chase around Manhattan and Brooklyn to find a replacement tape yields many adventures -- blackmail, theft, a chance to be a TV star, and so much more. Amid all this turmoil, Asma just might be able to find her crush in the busiest, most exciting city in the world.

Find Medeia – YA and MG Author

Blog   |   Twitter   |   Goodreads   |   Instagram   |   Amazon

Enter the HPITC book blast giveaway!

Monday, 10 August 2015

Cover Reveal for Piper Morgan Joins the Circus

Happy Monday! Today I'm pleased to help unveil the adorable cover for Stephanie Faris' new release. It looks like a lot of fun!

Piper Morgan Joins the Circus

Stephanie Faris

Cover illustration by Lucy Fleming.


When Piper Morgan has to move to a new town, she is sad to leave behind her friends, but excited for a new adventure. She is determined to have fun, be brave and find new friends.

And after learning her mom’s new job will be with the Big Top Circus, Piper can’t wait to learn all about life under the big top, see all the cool animals, and meet the Little Explorers, the other kids who travel with the show. She’s even more excited to learn that she gets to be a part of the Little Explorers and help them end each show with a routine to get the audience on their feet and dancing along!

But during Piper’s grand debut, her high kicks and pointed toes don't go quite as planned. After causing a dance disaster, she has to prove to everyone--especially queen of the Little Explorers, Lexie--that she belongs in the spotlight. 

Stephanie Faris:


Stephanie Faris knew she wanted to be an author from a very young age. In fact, her mother often told her to stop reading so much and go outside and play with the other kids. After graduating from Middle Tennessee State University with a Bachelor of Science in broadcast journalism, she somehow found herself working in information technology. But she never stopped writing.

Stephanie is the Simon & Schuster author of 30 Days of No Gossip and 25 Roses, as well as the upcoming Piper Morgan series. When she isn’t crafting fiction, she writes for a variety of online websites on the topics of business, technology, and her favorite subject of all—fashion. She lives in Nashville with her husband, a sales executive. 







Wednesday, 5 August 2015

IWSG - The Future of Blogging

It's the first Wednesday of the month and time for another installment of the Insecure Writers' Support Group. This is where we get to share our worries and concerns over all aspects of this crazy writing game and offer words of encouragement to others in the group. Go here to sign up!

This month, I am pondering the future of blogging as a social and marketing tool for writers. This is something I have heard mentioned a little bit recently. I took a short break while moving house, and when I came back, it didn't take too long to catch up - and indeed most days when reading my favourite blogs in my feed, it doesn't take long to get back to the posts I read the previous day, whereas it used to seem neverending.

Is blogging becoming less effective? There is a host of options these days for online interaction - the ubiquitous Facebook, Twitter, Google + (still need to figure this out), Instagram, Pinterest... I've probably missed a lot. Are many turning to these platforms to share information in a more time effective way? I get that we could reach readers (who are non-writers) more easily through these avenues and can see the value in them all. It has been a long time goal to conquer my mixed feelings towards Facebook and establish an author page. But with the constant barrage of short updates and tweets, spending too long on these sites can make my head spin. I'll always prefer the more in depth content that blogging offers.

Maybe it's just the summer slump, or do you think this is a general trend? Have you spent time focussing on other platforms apart from your blog? Do you still enjoy blogging?

Friday, 31 July 2015

The Vanished Knight release day

Today, I'm excited to help Misha Gericke celebrate as she releases not one, but two books! Her debut novel, The Vanished Knight, has been relaunched along with Part 2 of the series, The Heir's Choice. I wish Misha all the best with this fantastic series. I was privileged to receive an ARC of The Vanished Knight, and below is the blurb and my review.


The entity living inside Callan’s soul orphaned her at age eleven. By the time she’s sixteen, it’s ensured her being shunted from one foster family to another. 

Her thirteenth foster assignment should be routine. Except... it's not. A psycho in medieval armor kidnaps her and she ends up in a magical world. There, she accidentally discovers a secret her parents had kept until the day they died. 

Both actually came from this magical world, but left before Callan was born. To cover their tracks, they’d lied about everything. Even who they really were. 

Driven to find out where she comes from, Callan’s trapped in a race for life and death. Walking away isn’t an option, but if she stays too long, the entity will find its next victim. 

In this world where secrets are sacrosanct and grudges are remembered, finding the truth will be near impossible. Especially when Callan has her own homicidal little secret to deal with. 

One with a taste for destroying her life.

My review:

The Vanished Knight is an epic fantasy tale that invites the reader to slip into another world, one of castles and power struggles. Callan is an admirable heroine, who has been shunted between foster homes her whole life thanks to a mysterious darkness that lies within her. So I was rooting for her to find some answers in this world she knows nothing about, but which might hold the key to her past. She's strong and capable, but with a very vulnerable side too. I felt bad for her, as she can never stay in one place very long for fear of hurting those around her.

Every character in this book felt just as well developed as Callan - and even the less likeable ones, like Darrion and James, were intriguing to spend time with. Gerrick slowly builds up a picture of a complex and developed society, but it never feels obtrusive or like an information overload. With a few well-placed details, she creates a world that feels tangible, real and dangerous. Along with Callan's quest to find herself, the other key point of the plot is the quest to find the titular vanished knight, who is the heir to Nordaine's kingdom. These two strands kept the action moving forward, and I can't wait to find out more in Book 2, which Gerrick was considerate enough to release on the same day. Speaking of action, there are a good few exciting fight scenes thrown in, but the author doesn't go overboard on gory details.

All in all, an engaging and fast-paced novel which I highly recommend.

Purchase links for The Vanished Knight:

Amazon US / Amazon UK / B&N / Kobo / iTunes / Add to Goodreads

The Heir's Choice:

Amazon US / Amazon UK / B&N / Kobo / iTunes / Add to Goodreads

Congrats, Misha! I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Monday, 27 July 2015

Gig Review - Manic Street Preachers play The Holy Bible in Edinburgh

So, my wife and I got tickets to see Welsh rock act Manic Street Preachers on the second leg of their UK tour to promote the 20th anniversary of their seminal album The Holy Bible. What a gig!

The Holy Bible is a raw, bruising, nihilistic, yet somehow completely life-affirming work and to see it played live was an incredible experience. You can find out more details about the album on its Wikipedia page or if you're pushed for time, I also wrote a short piece about it for the 2012 A-Z Challenge.

The Manics in 1994 (l-r): Sean Moore, Nicky Wire,
James Dean Bradfield, Richey Edwards
The gig, on 30th May in Edinburgh's plush Usher Hall, was something special indeed. The band had recreated some of the look of the original 1994 tour for the album, including military-type outfits and camouflage netting on stage. This is a confrontational album which attacks many political and societal targets. The atmosphere was intense and the Manics proved that despite mellowing somewhat in the years since the album (and the 1995 disappearance of troubled rhythm guitarist and principal lyricist for the Holy Bible, Richey Edwards), they can still launch a blistering live assault when the occasion demands. The hardcore faithful were singing along with every word and singer and guitarist James Dean Bradfield was happy to let them take over on lead vocals when he had to take a breath.

When I heard about this tour, I wasn't sure if the band could pull off such a feat as performing this album with the energy it demanded but I needn't have worried. The crowd were in the palm of the band's hand - we had a great view of both from our position up in the gallery - and despite the frenetic pace of most of the hour's set, with crowdsurfers aplenty, there were a couple of occasions when the audience stood completely still and you could have heard a pin drop. These were during the gut wrenching outro to "4st 7lb", a song told from the perspective of a teenage anorexic hovering on the verge of death, when the song completely slows down and a repeating chord structure accompanies lines of awful acceptance such as "Such beautiful dignity in self-abuse"; and again during the entire harrowing six minutes of "The Intense Humming of Evil", which tackles the horrors of the Holocaust - and those who would deny it - head on. This song had not been played since 1994, and on record it has a uniquely unsettling power which was only amplified live. In one of the greatest sequencing tricks, we were then plucked from the lowest point and thrown back into the triumphant melee of "PCP", a fiery punk anthem which closes the album by questioning political correctness and the control of our lives by governments.

After a ten-minute break, the band came back on to run through a spirited hits set featuring some of their most popular songs such as "Motorcycle Emptiness", "If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next", "You Stole the Sun From My Heart", and "You Love Us". This was where they got to loosen up after the exertion of playing the Holy Bible and they pulled off some of their trademark stage moves including James's spins and bassist Nicky's scissor kicks. Despite the fairly predictable nature of the set, they still pulled out a couple of surprises, including the first ever live showing of the rifftastic "Condemned to Rock 'n' Roll", which closed their 1992 debut album Generation Terrorists. The night finished on a stirring rendition of "A Design For Life", the working-class anthem which relaunched them following the loss of their childhood friend, Richey.

I didn't get any pictures or video from the night, so here's a photo of the band in their 1994 uniforms, and below, the video for "Faster", the blistering lead single from The Holy Bible.

Have you been to any good concerts recently?