I'd say it was a productive month with Part 2 of my trilogy finished and 17,000 words of my novella prequel written. It will probably require another 10k or so to be done. I had no idea this novella would even exist before NaNo started, so even though I started out by continuing previous work, it still threw up surprises! It was nice to work on something different but still related. I must admit I hit a slight slump during the middle of the month, which equated to the end of Part 2. Endings are always tricky for me and I need to regroup before starting Part 3. Nevertheless, I'm excited about the progress that has been made and looking forward to seeing how it all turns out. Also, I said hello to repetitive phrasing, clumsy constructions and other first draft sins - which I'd always been quite precious about, but that's why it took me so long to write drafts! I learnt from NaNo that getting the story out comes first.
So that's it. I'll try to get back to a regular blogging schedule this month, too.
How was your month? Did you NaNo? Did it go well for you?
Congratulations on winning, Nick! That's awesome. When I participated, I had to continue writing for a few more weeks to finish my stories as well.
Hi Nick - yes ..many congratulations and it sounds as though it was a productive time for you .. great to feel you want to carry on tomorrow - go for it ..
Cheers Hilary
Congrats on winning! Maybe some year I'll actually commit to getting a NaNo project done...
Congrats! One of these years I'll join the NaNo insanity.
Well done, Nick! NaNo went well for me this time around, too. :)
Congrats on winning NaNo! You're right -- the writing doesn't stop here. :) I didn't participate in NaNo, but I'm simultaneously revising one MS and drafting another, so I've got plenty to work on for the rest of the year. :)
Congrats on winning. Now the hard work starts. I won too with two clear days to go. It felt good.
Congratulations! I so admire anyone who attempts NaNo, and especially those who complete the task.
Congratulations on winning, Nick! :) Ending can definitely be hard. I just gave mine a quick ending. That's what revisions and editing are for. :)
Congrats. I admire your dedication. And you're right, writing continues after November. Best of luck with the rest!
Congrats, Nick. I claim NaNo victory as well. Nice job!
Congratulations! You got a lot done. I didn't participate, but cheered for everyone who did.
Wow! Congratulations on your 50k!! (She said, grumpling away with jealousy...lol)
WTG Nick!
Congratulations on winning NaNo, Nick! I don't think there was any doubt. :)
Amazing, Nick! Truly. Sooooo proud of you. Such an accomplishment.
Congrats, Nick! That's awesome! :)
Congratulations! That is a lot of writing for one month.
Grats on winning NaNo and discovering your novella!
Endings are tricky for me too. I skipped writing mine during NaNo, and jumped to the middle of a different POV instead. :)
I didn't participate, but congrats on crossing the finish line!!
Congratulations, Nick! I knew you could do it! Endings can be a little tricky, but I'm sure yours will turn out well, just like Nano did for you. All the best as you move into Part 3 on your book!
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