First of all, I need to state that this is a prescheduled post as we're visiting my parents in Brighton this week, so I'm unable to take part in visiting the other bloggers in the circle. I missed last month because I was away then too, so I didn't want to do the same thing again.
I guess blogging (or lack of it) is my insecurity this month, rather than writing. Many people worry that blogging is turning too much into a platform for promotion rather than debate - all the cover reveals and giveaways. I love all that, and love supporting my comrades who have worked so hard to put their work out in the world. But as far as anything more in depth goes, my well seems to be running a bit dry.
I know many people post less during the summer, especially if they've got kiddywinkles, I've noticed that. Recently we've had subtropical temperatures that were boiling our brains out, but today it's been bucketing down with rain, provoking a feeling of gloom. In between running around after the kids and the dogs, I just don't feel like I've had anything to say.
They're back at school in a week, so I'm sure things will pick up again. Maybe blogging is a seasonal thing. At least I've been able to continue with my writing, by aiming for 1000 words on weekdays before my paper round, between around 5-6am. I haven't accomplished this every day, but by keeping up semi-regular progress, I've passed the halfway point on Book 2 of my dystopian series, so I think writing was a win this summer. Maybe I'm drained after an early start writing, leaving no room for a well thought out post!
How about you? Do seasons affect your productivity in blogging and other social media? Any tips for keeping things balanced?
Hi Nick - welcome to down south! Have a good time with your parents - and hasn't it been hot and not desperately inspiring to do too much ...
I don't have to run around after kids - it's my brain I need to run around after and catch my tail somewhere along the internet journey ... I'm slowly catching up myself ..
Have a good last few days with the family .. cheers Hilary
Congratulations with your writing progress. I tend to blog less certain months, mostly it just depends on my mood. Wishing you all the best.
You're making solid progress on your book, which is more important than the blog. As for the blog, well, you've seen mine, so, yeah, I go through all these slumps, too.
Enjoy your week in Brighton!
I think the seasons do affect blogging. I'm down to once a week since summer is lighter.
I'm also easing back on the promo stuff because I don't want to be just about that.
I haven't blogged nearly as much this summer and part of the issue was I didn't have internet for a month. The other part, it's been so nice I've been outside. Hopefully I'll get back into the groove soon.
Enjoy your holiday!
Seasons affect me. Why be inside with a computer when I can be outside with the sunshine? Plus the kids need supervision outside, so I can't stay inside. :)
I think the seasons affect it. I've not blogged much this summer. I blog more in the fall and winter when I can't get outside and enjoy being outside. I think it does make a difference!
Good luck! I'll be waiting to read your posts. :)
Glad the writing is going well. I love helping others, but have found a balance so I can keep my blog... since I'm blogging less. That' helps with my sanity. Hope you have a great trip.
Yes! Having the kids home makes blogging and writing very difficult. I've been feeling really down this summer, too. Other stuff in my life has me feeling blue and lacking in motivation. I'm hoping the start of school and some quiet time and writing time will help some. That's sad, huh? I love my kids but sometimes there's too much togetherness, especially when boredom strikes.
Anyhow, I hope you find your way with it all. I've started grouping my promo into monthly posts. There will be some exceptions, but I think this will be better for everyone, not just me. ;)
IWSG #184 until Alex culls the list again.
It's good that you've been able to make progress with your writing. Children at home do provide a diversion that you can't ignore. Enjoy your visit!
I've missed seeing your posts. Enjoy your holiday and hope you get back into regular blogging soon.
If you figure out the balancing trick, I hope you'll let us know! :)
I think we've all been there, Nick. In fact, I'm a regular :) Do what you can and, trust me, we can all sympathize.
Summer is so crazy with kids. I don't even worry about blogging or writing a ton of novels:)But they'll be gone in a few weeks;-)
I can't say that seasons influence my blogging activity. It's more that sometimes I have something to say, and other times, I just don't. Usually when I have more time to write, I'm more inclined to blog because posting my progress or intended progress makes me more accountable with my goals.
I think a lot of people slow it down a bit with the blogging, especially in the summer months. I notice the change too. I have hit and miss months for different reasons.
It's great that you've able to get some solid writing time in. Enjoy your holiday! Lily-Eva IWSG Co-Host
Hey, Nick,
Have a good vacation....
As for advice on balancing. I wish I had some... I could use some myself...
I do blog more at different times of the year, it's not a consistent thing with me like it used to be. I do the best I can to keep up, but it's hard....
I've struggled a lot with blogging lately, but it's not really a seasonal thing for me. Sometimes it just becomes too overwhelming, especially when I'm feeling depressed.
Glad to hear you've been writing steadily! Passing the halfway point of your novel is definitely something worth celebrating. Congrats! :)
My blogging and writing have been running dry this summer. I'm hoping once things settle down I'll be able to have some sort of schedule/inspiration again. Life is cyclic. I suppose writing is too.
Go have fun Nick. Right now the only thing affecting my blogging is my day job. I'm tired of writing and interracting with people, so I play a mindless game at home instead of writing or blogging. Uck.
hope you are enjoying your time away!
and that's just how things go - blogs have morphed, we support each other getting published, now we support those who are published!
i still try to post about useful things, but would like to bring more personality back...
and thanks for stopping my broken branch falls blog tour! (speaking of shameless blog promotion... =)
It's winter over here right now, and I find myself spending less time near the computer. Being warm trumps anything my muse can come up with.
I find it tough sometimes thinking of fresh things to blog about. I love helping out with cover reveals and blog hops, but I want to work on establishing some kind of blog voice for myself too.
Have a safe and enjoyable trip.
It's always difficult to fit everything in . . . I find neglecting my house chores is the key ;-) Good luck and I hope you enjoyed your vacation!
Recently, there has been lots of talk about the state of blogging, and finding the right balance between blogging/writing.
I'm currently on hiatus but when I return, I also have a new blogging schedule.
Hope you're well, Nick.
I fall behind in commenting on bloggers when I'm really tired or trying to write--seriously write, as in stories. I hope people understand. I want to get around to everyone, but sometimes I'm slower than at other times. Guess I understand, Nick.
So glad to see you online, Nick! You raise some good points about the time spent blogging vs. writing. Coming up with new content can definitely be a challenge.
I used to be very active in the blogging world, then I got too busy and took a break, and now I'm trying to find a balance. I enjoy blogging and reading others' blogs, but I also have so many other things to do.
I hope your trip was fun!
Summer is always tough to find time for writing. The kids keep me so busy!
I tend to struggle in the summer, but still get up early and try. In the end, I think I end up ahead.
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