Wednesday, 5 March 2025

IWSG March 2025

Time for our monthly meeting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group! Hosted as ever by Alex J. Cavanaugh, the aim of the group is to offer a safe space where writers can share doubts and insecurities without fear of being judged. This month's co-hosts are Ronel Janse Van VuurenPat Garcia and Liza @ Middle Passages.

I'm glad to say I'm feeling a lot better after my unexpected stay in hospital. Not quite all there yet, but I'm enjoying edits on my WIP. It seems to make reasonable sense, so that's something.

Let's have a look at this month's IWSG question:

If for one day you could be anyone or *thing* in the world, what would it be? Describe, tell why, and any themes, goals, or values they/it inspire in you.

I guess this question could go all sorts of ways, but without thinking about it too long, I would have to say my literary hero, Terry Pratchett. Just to have that boundless imagination and take what is ostensibly a fantasy world and use it to smuggle in a whole range of genres - thrillers, mystery, satire, sci-fi - with a deft humorous touch and a grasp of what it means to be human even when the characters are werewolves, trolls, Death, or an orang-utan. His books seemed to have it all and that genre-blending approach has definitely inspired me in my own work.

Looking forward to what others have to say on this one. As ever, the list of IWSG entrants can be found here. What would be your answer to this question?

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

IWSG February 2025

Time for our monthly meeting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group! Hosted as ever by Alex J. Cavanaugh, the aim of the group is to offer a safe space where writers can share doubts and insecurities without fear of being judged. This month's co-hosts are Joylene Nowell ButlerLouise Barbour and Tyrean Martinson.

First of all, I'd better offer an explanation for my absence over the last couple of months, which some of you might have already caught up on Facebook. If not, I'll repost it below. It's a sorry tale, but I'm doing a lot better now.

I got out from hospital a couple of weeks ago after having been admitted on the 4th of December with what I thought was a bad dose of a bug including sickness and diarrhoea. It turned out I had suffered an infection that had gone to my heart, giving me a leaky valve, as well as into my brain, causing a mini stroke. This caused me to describe in a way that my daughter Emma best summed up as “doolally” and led my wife to call an ambulance.

I got my own room for the first ten days and initially I was very disorientated as to why I was in hospital. My vision was bad, causing me to see scrawls on the wall that I thought had been left by a child, and the TV was a mere blur. After a battery of tests I was started on a six-week course of IV antibiotics with the aim of heading for surgery to fix my valve. I was moved to the cardiology ward on 14th December where I shared a room with four other men. At first I found this daunting, but everyone was friendly and welcoming. After I while I found myself the longest serving patient in the room over that time as others started to come and go and were sent to other hospitals or home. Not all patients made for good roommates and sometimes there was too much noise to sleep. It was certainly a full range of humanity but by the time I left the room had become much more relaxing and had been christened the “Brian ward” due to the arrival of four Brians in the space of three days.

Ultimately I didn’t have to go for surgery because it was deemed the antibiotic had done a good enough job of repairing the valve on its own. Not before I had a tooth pulled out in a gruelling procedure because infection had been found there and you can’t have any area of infection when you go for the surgery. It came out with a piece of bone attached and I kept it to proudly display as a souvenir.

When I got out it was one day earlier than planned, which we pushed for because of the red weather storm warning for the next day in Scotland which could have potentially seen me stuck in hospital for another whole weekend. Since then I’ve been taking it easy, getting back to work slowly. I’ll still have some rehab to do cognitively speaking but I'm playing a lot of word games as I was throughout my whole stay. Of course I've got to give huge thanks to my family - Heather, Hannah, Emma and Eve - for coming to see me day after day, as well as keeping things ticking over at home so well while dealing with the sad loss of one of our six pups, Tobi.

In terms of writing, I'll get back to that in due course, but I've had a look at my most recent WIP which was undergoing a first pass before this whole saga. I found that pass is nearly finished, so that's definitely something I could manage over the next few weeks. It will probably need fresh eyes from a couple of new CPs, so if a YA sci-fi adventure where the MC becomes trapped in a VR reproduction of her favourite TV show when the AI engine behind it goes haywire, let me know!

I'm off to catch on all of your exciting doings now. Hoping you're all in good health.