Wednesday, 5 February 2020

IWSG February 2020

It's time once again for our group posting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group. Hosted as ever by Alex J. Cavanaugh, the purpose of the group is to allow a safe space to share our writing woes and insecurities without fear of being judged. February's excellent co-hosts are Lee LoweryRonel Janse von VuurenJennifer HawesCathrina Constantine and Tyrean Martinson. Why not join us if you haven't already?

Today's IWSG question is an interesting one, asking: "Has a single photo or work of art ever inspired a story? What was it and did you finish it?" Well, I've written for competitions that involved a photo prompt, and even had some success with one, but I'm not sure that counts, does it? I didn't choose the photo myself or come across it "in the wild". I'm not a particularly visual writer, but this question makes me think I should open up more to seeing images as inspiration. Food for thought!

As to my insecurity this month, I'm pondering how to get back into a piece of writing that I started over a year ago. With 2019 being a fallow year, I'm keen to pick up where I left off, but that initial rush of excitement isn't quite there any more. That said, I'm still intrigued to see where the story could go. I'm only 6,000 words in, so would it be better to treat this as an opportunity for a totally new start? Have a do-over from the beginning?

Do you have any advice for resuming a piece of work after an extended break? What's your response to this month's IWSG question? Don't forget to check out more IWSG posts here!