Friday, 26 April 2019

Trust by Jean Davis

Today I'd like to welcome Jean Davis to share her new release. Over to you, Jean!

Thanks, Nick, for having me on your blog. I'm excited to share my new release, Trust. This is the first book in my new space opera series, The Narvan.

You think you know someone, how the universe works, how your own government works, for that matter. But when Vayen takes a new job as a bodyguard for a woman from his past, he quickly discovers everything he's known is a lie.

Anastassia Kazan came from nowhere really, brought home by his brother years before as a consultant to help with Artor's war against their Jalvian neighbors. She'd been a spy, a soldier on a planet far from Artor. Those were things Vayen thought he understood. But she manages to end the war, brokering deals beyond his imagining, and then she works her way into a position only a select few in the population even know exist, advisor to the entire Narvan star system. And now he's working for her. Beside her, even, as she goes out her days of meetings on various worlds. Many of those meetings aren't the sit around the table type. They involve blackmail, heavy threats, and sometimes, blood.

She's got backers. Mysterious ones, with seemingly unlimited funds. Anastassia is only middle management and while she's set on keeping the Narvan at peace, her bosses want to expand their holdings in the known universe. The Narvan's now mostly idle military forces shouldn't be wasting their time rebuilding broken worlds, they should be out conquering.

If Anastassia puts up too much resistance her bosses might find a new advisor and who knows what allegiances they might have. If any one of those people she's threatened gets in a lucky shot, the order she's created in the Narvan will quickly unravel. Vayen has compromised his conscience too much to see his people fall back into war. How much more is he willing to give to keep his people at peace?


I stepped into a plain room with a mosaic tiled floor depicting a night sky full of stars. Two armed men nodded to Kazan and took note of me as we passed by.

“What is this place?” I asked.

“One of the Ka’opul strongholds on Merchess. They’re the largest of the three operations here. At last count, they had thirty thousand slaves and a solid hold on the drug market throughout the Narvan, the non-Fragian colonies in the Rakon Nebula and into the Verian Cluster. They also control various other lucrative black market dealings.”

“And you’re fine with slavery?”

She cast me a sideways glance. “Not in the Narvan, but out here, that’s how things are done. I’m not about to upset the balance of an already precarious arrangement by liberating the workforce. The families provide me with an abundant income from my cut of their profits. Usually.”

“Where do those profits go that makes this excusable?”

“They keep people paid off, fund the research the High Council demands from your people, and finance the extra weaponry upgrades on the Jalvian fleets.” She came to a halt. “And you can quit looking at me with that disgusted glare and be grateful the Narvan is happy and quiet and that the Jalvians are equipped to keep it that way. That was part of the deal I cut with them to get them off Artor’s back.”

I shoved my distaste down my throat and followed close behind as she made her way past closed doors and others that stood open, revealing small conference rooms. A woman, bearing a red slave-star tattoo on her neck, passed by with downcast eyes, a tray of half-eaten food in her hands.

Kazan came to a halt. “Here we are.”

Though Atashi's Ka'opul's name hinted at Artorian roots, this man was of a descent so mixed that I couldn’t begin to guess at the components. He sat at a rectangular table with two chairs opposite him. He stood up and offered us a tight smile.

“Welcome, Kazan.”

“Save the welcome, Atashi. Where are my credits?”

“Perhaps we could sit and discuss the matter?” He indicated the empty chairs and planted himself back in his seat.

“Oh, by all means, let’s.” Kazan sat on the table right in front of him and pulled out her knife. “So, now that we are seated, where are my credits?”

Trust : The Narvan (Book 1)

Science Fiction / Space Opera

Released April 2019   •  Published by Caffeinated Press

War has torn Vayen Ta'set's homeworld apart. It took away his parents and then his brother, leaving him alone. He's spent his life training to join the fight, to do his part, to bring peace to Artor. But the war ends before he's able to join in, quietly brought about by a human, Anastassia Kazan. When she offers him a job as her bodyguard, he's sure he's finally found his place.
He's wrong. She's not who he thought she was. The peace she brought to Artor, to his entire star system, comes with a cost. One he's now helping her pay. There are bigger enemies out in the known universe than he ever imagined. Without Kazan, deals and truces will crumble. War is just a death away.
Neck deep in Kazan’s world of bribes, blackmail, and assassins, Vayen must eliminate the threats to his boss and his homeworld without becoming a target himself. It’s hard to make your mark on the universe if you’re dead.

Amazon  /  Amazon UK   /  Barnes & Noble  /  Kobo  / Direct from the publisher
Add it on Goodreads  

Jean Davis lives in West Michigan with her musical husband, two attention-craving terriers and a small flock of chickens. When not ruining fictional lives from the comfort of her writing chair, she can be found devouring books and sushi, weeding her flower garden, or picking up hundreds of sticks while attempting to avoid her yard’s abundant snake population. Her focus is bringing strong, capable women to speculative fiction.

Follow her here: Blog / Amazon / Facebook

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Starting again

It’s been a while since I wrote a non-IWSG post on here, and although I love being part of the monthly festivities, it’d be good to be a bit more regular again. Even two posts a month would be good. So with that in mind, I thought I’d start off with a post that’ll be a bit of a pep talk for myself, and hopefully it benefits others too. 

As I mentioned before, I’ve been out of the writing game for about four months, since losing a full-time job and then looking to find other work. Well, I’m glad to report I have several ongoing gigs now and don’t have any shortage of work at the moment. That’s a blessing that I don’t take for granted. But still, I seem to struggle to get round to doing any writing. Why should this be? The passion to do it is still there; it just seems easier to reach for another editing job and make a handful of real money.

I suppose there is a lot to be said for having a routine in place. We hear about it all the time, so it’s a bit of a cliché, but it trains us to do the same thing at pretty much the same time each day. Once that’s been gone for a while, it becomes less than easy to just snap back into the rhythm of it. And there’s the overwhelming feeling of lost time which is clouding my vision.

But maybe that’s just an excuse. Just because I’ve not written anything for a while, it doesn’t mean I can’t write again. The hardest part of anything is getting started, at least for me, and that includes starting a new book as well as resuming work again after a bit of a hiatus. I mentioned this in my last post, I think, but I need to look at this as a fresh start, with a fresh perspective. Forget about any lost time and just do what I can do each day.

So today, that’s what I’m going to do, and I’ll report back on my progress.

What are you like with getting back into writing again after a break (intentional or otherwise)? Got any tips?

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

IWSG April 2019

It’s the first Wednesday of the month so of course it’s time once again for our meeting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group. Founded and hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh, the purpose of the group is for writers to share their fears and insecurities in a mutually supportive atmosphere. This month's awesome co-hosts are J.H. MoncrieffNatalie AguirrePatsy Collins and Chemist Ken!

This month, I’m answering the question of the month over at the IWSG site. I hope to see you there.

As for insecurities, I don’t have much to report. I’ve not done any writing for four months – since losing my job, I’ve been focusing on establishing other sources of revenue – but I’d rather not see this as a setback. Instead, I’m making a fresh start, and I’m looking forward to getting back into my new WIP, still in its very early stages.

Now let's turn to this month's exciting news - we're announcing the genre and opening date for the next IWSG anthology!

Our genre is Middle grade historical: adventure/fantasy and the opening date is May 1. The best brains are on the theme, and that will be announced on the opening date. So this is just to whet your appetite - you could use that time to brush up your knowledge of the genre if it's not your usual bag, for example. We're looking forward to more great entries!

Don't forget the Masquerade anthology is hitting the shelves on April 30!

Masquerade: Oddly Suited
An Insecure Writer’s Support Group Anthology
Find love at the ball…
Can a fake dating game show lead to love? Will a missing key free a clock-bound prince? Can a softball pitcher and a baseball catcher work together? Is there a vampire living in Paradise, Newfoundland? What’s more important—a virtual Traveler or a virtual date to the ball?
Ten authors explore young love in all its facets, from heartbreak to budding passion. Featuring the talents of L.G. Keltner, Jennifer Lane, C.D. Gallant-King, Elizabeth Mueller, Angela Brown, Myles Christensen, Deborah Solice, Carrie-Anne Brownian, Anstice Brown, and Chelsea Marie Ballard.
Hand-picked by a panel of agents and authors, these ten tales will mystify and surprise even as they touch your heart. Don your mask and join the party…

Website - IWSG Anthologies
Young Adult Fiction: Romance - General/Paranormal/Contemporary
Print ISBN 9781939844644
eBook ISBN 9781939844651
Print and eBook:

Special note:
We are partnering with DIY MFA this spring to bring you a great program for writers.

Before we announce details, we’ll be sharing several of their learning videos.

Check it out and come back later this month for details about the program.

OK, now it's time to check out more IWSGers at the sign-up page. What part of your WIP would you wish for help with? Excited about the theme for the next anthology? Or for grabbing a copy of Masquerade? Interested to learn more about DIY MFA?

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Rescuing Mara's Father blog tour

Today I'm pleased to welcome Diane Burton as part of the blog tour for her new release. I'm looking forward to checking this book out - it sounds fun and exciting!


A Middle Grade Science Fiction Adventure

By D.M. Burton

Approx. 75,000 words

ISBN:  978-0-9990452-4-4 (ebook)

ISBN-13: 978-0-9990452-5-1 (print)



Her father is gone! Taken by the Queen of Compara’s agents. Mara has to rescue him before the Queen tortures and kills him.

Instead of the kind, loving father she’s always known, he’s become demanding, critical, with impossible expectations—not just as Father but also as the only teacher in their frontier outpost. Mara would rather scoop zircan poop than listen to another boring lecture about governments on Central Planets. Give her a starship engine to take apart or, better yet, fly, and she’s happy. Now, he’s gone.

Never mind, they’ve had a rocky road lately.

Never mind, Father promised she could go off planet to Tech Institute next month when she turns fifteen, where she’ll learn to fly starships.

Never mind, she ran away because she’s furious with him because he reneged on that promise. Father is her only parent. She has to save him.

Along with her best friend, eleven-year-old Jako, and his brother 15-year-old Lukus, Mara sets off to find her father. Her mentor, old spaceport mechanic, seems to know why the Queen captured Father. In fact, he seems to know her father well. But, does he tell her everything? Of course not. He dribbles out info like a mush-eating baby. Worse, he indicates he’ll be leaving them soon. And Lukus can’t wait to get off our planet. Mara’s afraid they will all leave, and she’ll be on her own. Despite her fears, Mara has to rescue her father.


Another boring class on another boring day in my boring life. Nothing ever happens here at Raythos Outpost #3, the most boring place on the planet. I can’t wait to leave. Just three tendays and I’ll be off to Pamyria Tech. Then I won’t have to listen to Teacher drone on about governments of the Central Planets.

“…democracy, confederation, autocracy…”

Blah, blah, blah. I’ve heard this lecture a thousand times already. Teacher is only going over it because Perfect Lukus missed the other nine hundred and ninety-nine times. He’s fifteen—a year older than me—my best friend’s brother and a pain in the butt. He only comes to class when his work in the stable is done. Lucky him. I’d rather shovel zircan poop than sit through another history or government lesson. Bo-ring.

Of course, where I’d really rather be is in the pit at spaceport taking apart the engine of a Gilean Cruiser or, better yet, at Pamyria Tech learning how to fly one. I can’t wait. It’s bad enough this class comes after Mid-Day Meal. The sun shines through the closed window, and guess who’s sitting in its beam? If the window was open, the fresh air wouldn’t help. Just more heat, making me more drowsy.

“. . . Mara?”

How in Smilian’s Pit does Teacher always know when I’m not listening? Reluctantly, I get to my feet. Teacher insists we stand when speaking like we’re in a real classroom on a Central Planet instead of Teacher’s study in a mining village on the Outer Rim. Teacher’s desk is in one corner, and the eight of us older kids sit in two rows, one in front of the other, our comp pads for note-taking on our laps.

Usually, I sit in the back row with my buddy Jako. Today, the others got there first, and I had to sit in front. Lukus always sits in the front row whether or not he comes in late, like today. His light brown hair is slicked back and wet, as if he’s just showered. He missed the linguistics and mathematics lessons which were a lot more interesting, where I always know the right answers. Now, he gets to see me humiliated. Not that I care what he thinks of me. I don’t.

Teacher waits, his expression stern, while I try to figure out what question he asked. Part of me wants to crawl under the chair and hide. Instead I continue to stand, back straight, head up, my face burning hotter than the Laborian Desert.

I stare back at Teacher, who knows I don’t want to be here. I’m just about the only kid in this outpost who has to go to school. No, make that the only kid on this planet since Outposts #1 and #2 don’t have any kids. Wish I lived over there. As far as I’m concerned, learning history or government is a waste of time. Now, learning the inner workings of a Gilean Cruiser would be a lot more interesting.

Behind me, Jako whispers, “Example of autocracy.”

He always has my back. He’s the best friend a girl could have, even if he is only eleven.

“CoalitionPlanetComparaintheCentralDistrict,” I say in a rush and sit down.

“And why is the government of Compara considered an autocracy?” Teacher looms over me. Since the study is so small, he actually looms over all of us. He’s so tall his dark brown hair nearly brushes the ceiling. He stands as still as a soldier, back straight, his dark green eyes boring into me.

His hair and eyes are like mine, only darker. We’re a minority at this outpost. Most people have light hair the varying colors of grain in the fields, and their eyes range from pale blue to a light gray. Our green eyes set us apart, as if we don’t belong here.

I keep my head down and sharpen the pleat in my dress slacks. Most of us wear our best clothes to class. Those of us who have good clothes, that is. Being orphans on their own, Jako and Lukus don’t have good clothes. Still, they always wear clean pants and shirts, even if they are mended in places, especially Jako’s. His clothes are Lukus’s hand-me-downs. Even Teacher wears dark gray slacks and a white shirt, more formal than the normal work clothes other men wear in town. He says appropriate clothing is essential to making a good impression.

Right. Like I want to make a good impression on the kids I’ve grown up with.

Teacher clears his throat, waiting for a response. If I don’t look at him, maybe he’ll pick on someone else. It’s not like I don’t know the answer. He’s drummed it into our heads all year, as if knowing how Comparans are governed is the most important topic in the galaxy. Big whoop.

Lukus stands. “Teacher, may I attempt to answer your question?”

Show off.

At Teacher’s nod, Lukus explains. “Technically, Compara is an absolute monarchy which is a more specific type of autocracy. The Queen Regent assumed absolute power after the king and both their sons died fifteen years ago. She dissolved the Body of Representatives and rules by intimidation and terror.”

“Very good.” Teacher smiles. When he does, his eyes brighten. “Unlike some students, you have been listening,”

Gee, you think he means me?

“Thank you, sir.” Lukus sits, alert, eager to get on with the rest of the lesson.

Teacher’s Pet, I sneer, though I don’t say it out loud. I could’ve been the focus of Teacher’s smile if I’d answered. I don’t want to show off in front of the other kids. Most are my friends, and I don’t want them to think I’m better than they are. Lukus doesn’t have a problem with demonstrating what he’s learned.

How does he know this stuff? Maybe he only missed nine hundred and ninety-eight lectures. Okay, how’s this for irony? I have to be here all the time and hate it. He wants to and can’t because of his jobs. He’s the janitor at a boarding house in the morning, stable hand in the afternoon, and dishwasher at night. You’d think he’d want to just chill when he finishes early. Instead, he comes to school. Weird, huh?

The four little kids in the other corner of the study are getting restless. They must have finished the exercises Teacher gave them before he started teaching us older ones. He ignores them and asks us to identify the ideal form of government.

Like the others, except Lukus, I keep my head down so I won’t be called on. Once again, he stands. The rest of us sit back in relief. Lukus has Teacher’s attention, which is just fine. “The ideal form of government is one where all the inhabitants have a voice and are treated equally.”

I snort then mutter, “Like that’s ever going to happen.”

Jako yanks my braid and hisses at me to shut up.

Teacher pins me with his stare. “Mara, you have something to add?”

“I can explain what Mara means.” Lukus is still standing and according to class protocol, I shouldn’t have spoken. “Civilizations strive for the ideal. However—”

“I can do my own explaining.” I ignore class rules and stand without waiting for Lukus to sit. “Out here on the Rim, the only thing that matters is who’s rich enough or strong enough to rule. Might makes right. The Central Planets with their Coalition Security are light years away. They don’t care about us. Why should we learn about them or how they rule? All we have to know is who’s in charge here, and that’s the mining company.”

I sit quickly, surprised at my own outburst. Not as surprised as the rest of the class, let alone Teacher. He gives me a look that says I’m going to hear about this later. I am so glad I only have three more tendays of this. At Pamyria Tech, I won’t have to learn useless information about the Coalition and especially about Compara. I’ll learn important stuff about starship engines. Three more tendays. Just three tendays. And I am gone.

About the Author:

The first time D.M. Burton saw Star Wars IV: A New Hope, she was hooked on science fiction and space travel. The Star Trek movies made her want to travel to other planets. Alas, she is still Earth-bound. D.M. and her husband live in Michigan, close to their two children and five grandchildren.

Join D.M. Burton's readers’ group on Facebook.

For more info and excerpts, visit D.M.’s website:

She writes adult fiction as Diane Burton, where she combines her love of mystery, adventure, science fiction and romance into writing romantic fiction. Besides writing science fiction romance, she writes romantic suspense, and cozy mysteries.

For more info and excerpts from her books, visit Diane’s website:

Connect with Diane Burton online.

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