Wednesday, 2 March 2016

IWSG March 2016

Yes, it's that time once again - 2016's third posting for the Insecure Writer's Support Group. This excellent group was founded by Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh to provide a safe haven for writers to share doubts and insecurities without fear of appearing foolish. This month's co-hosts arLauren Hennessy, Lisa Buie-Collard, Lidy, Christine Rains, and Mary Aalgaard.

First, thanks for all your supportive comments on last month's post. I really appreciate it and reading through them made me feel a lot better. (Go here if you don't know what I'm talking about). It's true that I haven't been around the blogs too much since then - I literally just finished returning the comments from that post! I've been getting a lot of headaches, so I've been reserving my energy for my editing work and trying to make some headway on my WIP. Haven't managed to write every day, but on those when I did I've been averaging about 500 words. However, on that last bonus leap day I managed 1000 and that's the goal I want to aim for going forward. So, in terms of my monthly goal round-up, I'm up to 10,000 words with 4,000 added in the last month. Doesn't sound like much, but at least there's quite a lot going on in those words. Things are happening.

I'm still speaking with the police and they've been taking my attackers in for questioning. I really hope they can do something because these people shouldn't be at large to pose a threat to someone else.

Apart from that, I just keep drinking lots of water and trying to write the next word. Keeping things quite simple at the moment. I didn't meet my marketing goal, but I definitely want to try some new things this month.

Go here to check out lots more IWSG participants.